Comments on: NeverTrump Movement Engulfs GOP News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 10 May 2016 03:38:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nancy Tue, 10 May 2016 03:03:17 +0000 If Republicans let Trump take over the party they'll never get it back. They have to stop him now or else it's done.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 09 May 2016 22:23:43 +0000 WSJ Reader:
Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Black, Bill O'Reilly, The Tea Party, Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, David Duke, Fox News, the NRA and the Republican Congress and Senate have done what the Democratic party could never have done, destroyed the Republican party.

Donald will be the Republican nominee for President and nobody with a brain will vote for The Donald. […]

By: Random White Guy Mon, 09 May 2016 22:04:14 +0000 Chickens are comin home to roost. I'm with #Nevertrump

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 09 May 2016 21:57:54 +0000 ‘There’s nobody left’: Evangelicals feel abandoned by GOP after Trump’s ascent"


“Vote according to your convictions,” {Pastor Gary} Fuller told congregants at Gentle Shepherd Baptist Church who will cast ballots in Nebraska’s presidential primary Tuesday. “What you believe is the right thing to vote for, according to the Scriptures.”

He told congregants that the church can’t and won’t promote one candidate over another. But Fuller has a hard time stomaching Trump as the Republican nominee and plans to vote for Cruz on Tuesday, even though the senator has dropped out of the race.

“In a sense, we feel abandoned by our party,” Fuller said. “There’s nobody left.”

Fuller and other conservatives whose voting decisions are guided by their Christian faith find themselves dismayed and adrift now that Trump has wrested control of the Republican Party. It is a sentiment that reaches from the small, aluminum-sided church with a large white cross on its front that Fuller and his wife built on the Nebraska plains to the highest levels of American religious life. Even progressive Christians — evangelicals and Catholics, among others — who don’t necessarily vote Republican are alarmed that

Trump is attracting many voters who call themselves religious (and conservative). A coalition of nearly 60 Christian leaders — many progressive and some conservative — published an open letter last week asking voters of faith to reject Trump and his “vulgar racial and religious demagoguery,” warning that the nation faces a “moral threat” from the candidate. […] WashPost

H/T: Hotair

Yes indeed. Trump's nomination has revealed (for some)…and CONFIRMED for folks like me….that (1) the Republican party AIN'T the least bit Conservative. And (2) Many..if not most so-called 'evangelicals"….and other holier-than-thou christian conservatives…are actually about as "devout" in their faith as, well…TRUMP.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 09 May 2016 21:48:40 +0000 In reply to Mr. BD.

BD I can honestly say that I believe, come the election in November, Hillary will be our next President. I simply refuse to believe that the majority of American voters would ever be so gullible, so reckless, and so STUPID as to put this nation and the lives of every American…to say nothing of the entire World….at risk by putting that dangerously Unfit, and buffoonish megalomaniac in the White House.

BUT. Hillary must NOT assume anything. She's a woman. A lot of men (not just the Donald) have *issues* when it comes to strong, smart and Confident women in positions of leadership.

Now it has certainly gotten better. A lot of men WILL indeed vote for Hillary…including men who can't stand her. Even they realize that disliking Hillary and her politics is one thing. But she's competent. She's NOT insane.

Trump scares the H*LL outta of a lot people…even Men who will put country First and pull the lever for Hillary to keep Trump away form the most powerful position in the world.
