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Newt Gingrich has won the South Carolina Republican primary, effectively throwing the GOP into a fiery ball of confusion and assuring the race will be a “knock-em-down-drag-em-out” fight to the finish!

With only 4 candidates remaining, the final tally from Saturday’s vote was as follows: Newt Gingrich 40%; Mitt Romney 28%; Rick Santorum 17%; Ron Paul 13%.  With the Gingrich win, a different candidate has now won each of the first 3 Republican races, since Santorum won Iowa, Romney won New Hampshire and Gingrich has now won South Carolina. At no time in modern history has a presidential primary been this divided.
In recent weeks, Republicans had begun to jump on the Romney bandwagon, believing he was on course to be the eventual nominee.  But a Romney coronation doesn’t yet appear to be in the cards, as the Tea Party, evangelicals and old guard Republicans have all proven the party is severely divided.  
The Republican party is actually several factions under one party moniker, and it will be interesting to see how they resolve all their differences to select a nominee they could enthusiastically support  against Barack Obama.  Evangelical Republicans don’t like Romney the Mormon.  Family values Republicans don’t like Newt the twice divorced adulterer. Old Guard Republicans don’t believe Santorum has the gravitas or experience to challenge the savvy Barack Obama, while plenty more Republicans just think of Ron Paul as a cultish fringe candidate with no chance of ever being president.  It’s a formula for chaos and disaster that has President Obama grinning like a Cheshire cat.  
As the race heads into Florida next week, will Romney regain his inevitability?  Will the GOP find unity and common ground? Or is their dysfunctional marriage of mismatched factions doomed to crash and burn?
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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This has gotten hilarious to me. I wouldn't be surprised if none of them got the nomination.


LoL! …"chaos" and "disaster." You got THAT right DJ! Who says the *Southern Strategy* ain't working?!…lolThe GOP is reaping what it's sown. They *establishment* is now in a FULL PANIC mode because they can SEE that *their guy* is WEAK. He's a dreadful candidate. And he's a a Mormon.  In S.C., he outspent ALL the other candidates by a 2-to-1 margin (just like he did in Iowa) and he STILL lost (just like he did in Iowa). Btw: The media/pundit-IDIOTS should just SHUT-UP about Mitt's supposed "superior organization and ground game". I've seen no such evidence of it thus far.Re: Mitt's money advantage Santorum beat him with pretty much NO money and NO organization…just grass-roots support. Newt beat him with NO orgainzation, a little money (relative to Mitt's cache) and grass-roots support. In fact: Newt beat him so bad_and in EVERY demographic, INCLUDING So-Con women_that I'M embarrassed for the man..smh. Newt even trounced him in his supposed strongest field, ELECTABILTY!?!Pitiful.   Florida should be interesting. I see it as a *MUST WIN* for Mitt..and not by just a small margin. It has to be a… Read more »


Mitt Romney:“I believe in an America where millions of Americans believe in an America that’s the America millions of Americans believe in. That’s the America I love.”Mark Steyn @ The Corner:"Mitt paid some guy to write this insipid pap. And he paid others to approve it. Not only is it bland and generic, it’s lethal to him in a way that it wouldn’t be to Gingrich or Perry or Bachmann or Paul because it plays to his caricature – as a synthetic, stage-managed hollow man of no fixed beliefs."H/T: HotairRead: "The Man Who Gave Us Newt"

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