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Spread The Love

How many times do we hear warnings in the media to always use a condom?  And how many times do couples frequently skip this warning?

Let’s face it folks: most men — and even plenty of women — just don’t like condoms.  Despite their obvious safety benefits, condoms decrease pleasure, are often uncomfortable, and just don’t feel natural.  For many women, they can’t fully enjoy sex because rubbers affect them psychologically. And for many men, the affect is often physical.  But that may all change now that a new condom designed to maintain longer-lasting and stronger erections has hit the market.

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the new “Viagra” condom, called CSD500, uses a gel that increases blood flow to the penis.  The gel was originally designed to increase heart blood flow for angina patients. But scientists realized that putting the gel inside a condom resulted in stronger erections that last longer.  CSD500 also enhances the quality of an erection, thereby keeping the condom in place and reducing the risk of slip-offs. This may be just what the doctor ordered among men who struggle to stay aroused while using prophylactics.

But be forewarned: the new condom is not a replacement for Viagra or for anyone who has trouble achieving an erection.   Instead, it is for men who don’t have trouble getting an erection but struggle to maintain it while using a condom.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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