
New Democrats Preparing For Possible 2018 Rule

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A new breed of Democrats (AKA ‘New Democrats’) are secretly and quietly preparing for a scenario once considered unlikely but now seen as extremely possible: taking back both the House and US Senate.

With contests such as the Ayanna Pressley win over Democratic incumbent Michael Capuano in Massachusetts, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez knockout over party giant Joe Crowley in Queens, NY, a surge of ‘New Democrats’ appear poised to be riding the wave of power into 2018.  With that in mind, Democratic operatives are already planning for how they would govern should they regain control of one or both legislative branches of government.

New Democrats
Ayanna Pressley and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with Nancy Pelosi

According to CNN, Democrats on virtually every House committee are carefully positioning themselves to be ready in the event that they find themselves in the majority after the midterms.  However (as party leaders are continuously reminding them), they are also mindful that they’ve won nothing yet and are therefore using intelligence and restraint in their preparations.

“I have said ‘let’s not be counting chickens yet,'” Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva, the top Democrat of the House Natural Resources Committee said.  Still, preparation to come out of the gate running on Day 1 is still very necessary.

Discussions are already underway among (what would become) the ‘New Democrats’ over their potential agenda should they once again find themselves in the majority in the US House and/or Senate.  Although talks are highly secretive, unsubstantiated reports are that New Democrats would likely revisit the Congressional Russia investigation, family separations along the southern border, the mystery of Donald Trump’s tax returns, as well as if the Trump Family has profited from “The Donald’s” time in the White House.

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New Democrats“I think a lot of our candidates are talking about if the Dems get the House, they will try and impeach (Supreme Court Justice Brett) Kavanaugh, they’ll try and impeach the President,” Republican Sen. John Thune told CNN.  Although Republicans see these tactics as a way to invigorate their base, the success or failure of such tactics are in question should the Nancy Pelosi brand of Democrats take a back seat to an unknown wave of New Democrats.

Democratic leaders are said to be discussing an agenda that will yield results and not simply exhibit rhetoric.  They are also discussing the need to avoid attacking every corner of controversy within the Trump administration, which could potentially backfire ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

Should New Democrats seize power in 2018, they want to set themselves up smartly and politically then ride that wave all the way into 2020.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
New Democrats preparing to take House and Senate.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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It’s good to see some new faces emerging in the Democratic party. I’m very much interested in seeing how certain candidates do in the mid-terms (Ayanna Pressley, Stacey Abrams and Andrew Gillum). Even if they lose, I’m interested in the margin of their loss because that’ll be a strong indicator as to what direction this country is actually moving in. Positive or negative? Forward or backward? But even if any them actually wins that wont be enough…not for me anyway….because as long as the OLD leadership remains the Dems will be stuck in the mud. The 2-party system in America has proven to be an incredibly flawed and CORRUPT political system. Through the leadership of both parties, the REAL “rulers” of this country (super-rich and powerful Titans) have played Us (the American people) for fools. Their main tool is the American news media….and this goes way beyond Trump. American “titans”… Read more »


I know I am late today but I made it. I’m happy to hear Dems are thinking about the future without counting their chickens before they hatch. They have to make plans and the main one is thinking about a party that does not have the same old leadership that didn’t work last time. I know some of these new candidates have not won yet but it’s smart to think about how they could get incorporated into the new party. I really have a feeling Dems could win big in November but we will have to wait and see. Like Truth said this will tell us alot about where the country is going.


USA Today:
In the 30 House races that experts consider tossups in the midterm election, Democrats outraised their Republican opponents in every one in the third quarter, often by wide margins.

In several cases, the Democratic candidate’s fundraising in the three months from July 1 to Sept. 30 was two times or more what the GOP candidate raised, including 21 in which the Republican is an incumbent.

In all but one race, the Democratic candidate spent more in the third quarter than their GOP opponents. In more than two-thirds of these races, the Democrat entered the fourth quarter with more cash in his or her campaign account.


NY Times:
WASHINGTON — Democrats, eyeing control of a powerful House tax-writing committee next year, are studying a century-old provision in the federal tax code that could give them access to President Trump’s long-sought tax returns and eventually the ability to make them public.

The powers laid out in an obscure 1920s addition to the tax code are clear: The leaders of Congress’s tax-writing committees, including the Ways and Means Committee in the House, are empowered to request from the Treasury Department tax returns or related information on any tax filer. Democrats could use that information to finally determine if Mr. Trump, who built a global business empire before entering politics, has problematic financial entanglements with Russia or other undisclosed conflicts of interest.

They could also use such an inquiry to determine whether Mr. Trump violated the law before his election to avoid paying taxes.

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