Just when you thought you were getting used to Facebook, here comes the new and improved Facebook Profile.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg previewed the new profile page last night on “60 Minutes.” In the redesign, photos are now moved to the top of the page, taking greater prominence and expanding in size. The “Wall” and “Info” buttons have been moved to a column under the member’s photo, while “Message” and “Poke” buttons have been moved into the upper right corner.
According to Facebook engineer Josh Wiseman, the top of the new profile page has been completely redesigned with a new introduction to include basic information about the member, including their hometown, eduction, and marital status. A horizontal bank of recent photos is also anchored at the top of the page. There is also now a “Featured Friends” tool to let you “highlight the friends who are important to you, such as your family, best friends or teammates,” Wiseman wrote. “Create new groups of friends, or feature existing friends lists.” And an additional new feature allows you to share specific projects you are working on at work or school, or musical acts or sports teams you are interested in.
To get the new profile layout now, go to http://www.facebook.com/about/profile/ and click the green “Start Tour” button.