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The Republican roller-coaster continued yesterday with the New Hampshire primary — and as expected, Mitt Romney was the eventual winner. But what was unexpected is who came in 2nd and 3rd place!

As of this writing, Mitt Romney received 38% of the New Hampshire vote.  But Ron Paul came in 2nd place with 24% and Jon Huntsman was in 3rd with 17%.

Jon Huntsman

Although Romney was expected to win with New Hampshire being home ground for him, he still lacked the “run-away” win his campaign has been needing to characterize him as the clear front runner.  A win is still a win, but with Ron Paul nipping at his heels and Jon Huntsman leaping forward from obscurity, this race is still far from over for Romney.

Rick Perry

Tuesday night was a good night for Romney, Paul and Huntsman, but it was not so good of a night for Rick Santorum, who was looking to capitalize on his virtual tie for the win with Romney in Iowa.  Still, Santorum is expected to continue on to South Carolina and hope the strong evangelical community gives him a boost.  Huntsman had a good night, but it was still not enough for him to be considered a serious candidate this time around.

The big loser of the night had to be Rick Perry, who came in last place in New Hampshire and is on the clock for being the next to drop out. Without a respectable showing in South Carolina, the writing will be on the wall for Perry to return to Texas for good.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. I concur DJ. Romney had a good night but NOT a great night. As I stated in a related topic, Romney's no prize_not by any stretch of the imagination. But he's up against amateurs and mental midgets. Add to that: He's got organization and lots of money. But what he still does NOT have is the enthused support of good size of the *base.* They don't like him and they don't trust him. In fact, in doing a quick dash by a few of the more popular right-wing blogs, this morning, I sense a quite dispirited group. That's not to say that Romney can't win South Carolina. All he needs is enough center-right votes and SOME talibangelical/Teajihadist votes. He could then go on to win Florida and most_if not all_the other southern states. Indeed. I expect him to win the nomination. But at what cost?I think he loses to Pres. Obama with_or without_*base* support. But no doubt about it. If the *base* (the worker-bees) continues to resist him, he'll suffer an even greater defeat. 

  2. In related news, Mount Pleasant Patch News, in S.C., is reporting the following:SC Sources: "Gingrich Could Endorse Santorum"While Newt Gingrich campaign staffers are calling such talk premature, there are indications that should the former House Speaker bow out of the GOP race, he would throw his support behind rising Rick Santorum in a last-ditch effort to stop frontrunner Mitt Romney.Multiple South Carolina sources affiliated with Santorum's campaign said Gingrich's campaign has contacted Santorum's campaign to discuss endorsing the former Pennsylvania senator should he drop out. […]MountPleasantPatch:…Word has spread through the right-wing blogosphere (via Fox News) of this possible happening.Mitt may be in a for a really bumpy ride in the South(?) Time will tell.

  3. Hotair: "Panic time: Conservative activists seek last-minute alternative to Romney"As Mitt Romney seeks to build on his wins in Iowa and New Hampshire, a near-panic has taken hold among some core conservative activists who are now scrambling to devise a strategy to DENY him the Republican presidential nomination…[….]Read:…TheDailyBeast: "On to South Carolina: The Nastiest Primary State"Read:

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