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This is a new segment we are experimenting with, which will allow you to “sound-off” on the current events of the day that matter to YOU.  Everything from politics, entertainment, sports, or whatever you’d like to discuss is allowed.  Talk about the BP oil spill.  Talk about the Summer Heat Wave pounding the northeastern U.S.  Talk about whatever YOU like.

This is YOUR forum — and it’s OPEN!

So get ready to SOUND-OFF:



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Happy TGIF All!And Thanks for this forum DJ! I certainly hope it proves to be a success:)Okay, so I'll start it off. In case readers haven't heard: LeBron James has now joined the Miami Heat, teaming up with his friends D. Wayde and Chris Bosh. First: Mad PROPS to Stephen A. Smith, who broke this INCREDIBLE story on June 28th, 2010 on his Fox radio show. He took “heat” from a lot of people for even suggesting such a thing. But Stephen stood his ground and suffice it to say, last night Stephen was vindicated BIG TIME! Sidenote: ESPN should STOP acting like Chris Broussard “broke” this story. He didn’t and they know it! I’ve been a huge fan of Lebron and D. Wayde for the past 5 years. I watched them play together in the 2008 Olympics and I kept thinking to myself “I wish they played on the same professional team but that ain’t NEVA gonna happen.” Well_last night I got MY wish and I couldn’t be happier! Understandibly, the fans of Northeast Ohio feel differently, to put it mildly. But let’s just be honest: Short of staying in Cleveland, there was absolutely NOTHING Lebron could have said or done that would have satisfied them__period. He gave them SEVEN YEARS of blood sweat and tears, carrying that team ON HIS BACK with no real chance of winning a Championship in sight_which brings me to the Cavs owner Dan Gilbert.

  2. Cont…IMO, Gilbert’s letter to Cav fans following Lebron’s departure comes across as a desperate, punk-azz move. Gilbert is obviously trying TO RUN from the fact that FOR SEVEN YEARS, He FAILED to secure REAL quality players to assist his #1 money-maker. Now the man is coming UNhinged! Should Lebron have managed this entire transition in a classier manner? YES. Absolutely. He should NOT have allowed the situation to turn into a circus_and he SHOULD have made a courtesy call to the 6 interested owners (beginning with Gilbert) PRIOR to his national announcement to let them know his decision. His image will no doubt take a hit for the entire spectacle and rightfully so. Some critics are saying that by going to Miami, Lebron is "taking the easy way out." But I was born and raised an American. At the end of the day_ANY DAY_ Americans LOVE nothing more than WINNING! It makes NO differnce "where" you win. Win it "clean"_BUT WIN. And I believe, with the exception of Northeast Ohio, Lebron’s image will rebound the minute He, D.Wayde and Chris Bosh take to the basketball court, start WINNING games and building a “dynasty.” They ain't doing it for the money (all 3 are siging for LESS than their market value). They know it's going to take hard work, TEAM work and sacrifice _and to their credit that’s already part of who they ARE as individuals. I wish them nothing but the best! OTOH: Gilbert and the Cavs GM pissed away SEVEN YEARS of a golden opportunity. They opted to rest on Lebron’s laurels and took Lebron’s love of his hometown for granted. Now Lebron is GONE and despite Gilbert’s sorry-azz attempt to escape his own responsibility for it_He’s a LOSER and HE will have to live with that.

  3. Sorry but I don't agree with you Truthiz.I'm happy if Lebron thinks he did whats right for himself. But the way he handled it all was tacky and classless. Stories are coming out today all 3 of them knew about this years ago. And Wade let it slip they planned a summit right after the finals but his agent had to backtrack on. So if all thats true why the whole nationally televised sham? He didn't need to hold up major franchises for weeks making them think they had a chance when they didn't. He could have made this announcement a few weeks ago and skipped the whole breaking news tv special. But he made his home team hold their breath unnecessarily. And he made other teams lose out on some moves if wasn't so selfish.Bad business move Lebron. I never saw something like this before but today he's the most hated man in sports today.

  4. Last night Lebron James just destroyed his entire brand. He'll never be the same.

  5. BD:"Bad business move Lebron.I never saw something like this before"You'll get no argument from me BD. His handling of the transition was certainly NOT his finest hour. It was a spectacle, no doubt about it. I said as much in my previous post. And you might be correct(?) He might be "the most hated man in sports today." If true(?), that is most unfortunate. He's 25 and still has a lot of maturing to do. I remember well how much growing I still had to do when I was his age. And I'm thankful that the people who believed in me didn't "hate" me for doing some of the absolute foolish stuff I did during my 20s. But even if he's not "the most hated man in sports today," he's got his work cut out for him in working to redeem himself. If he fails to grasp this fact, he will pay the price_just as he paying a price right now.

  6. Hey nice idea here for open Friday's. I don't know much about sports so I can't say anything about Lebron James. But I will try participating more in some discussions.Nice blog to follow while at work waiting on flights.

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