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Tiger Woods at the Masters.
In preparation for the Master’s Golf Tournament beginning Thursday in Augusta, GA, the world was presented with a “new and improved” public version of Tiger Woods.

Yesterday, Tiger Woods took on perhaps his biggest PR challenge since admitting to a myriad of marital infidelities, when he faced the media and the fans for an unscripted and spontaneous moment of realism.  Tiger appeared in a press conference and answered nearly every question thrown at him.  He was honest, forthright, and uncharacteristically open, which was far different from the closed and ultra-private persona he has shown in recent years. Then Tiger faced the public for a few practice rounds on the course, where he was applauded and well received by a waiting public.

Woods offered his fellow pros an apology for “what they had to endure” by being asked questions about him since his hiatus from the game.  But besides the fans, Woods said he was “surprised” by the warm reception from the other golfers. “It’s amazing how many hugs I’ve gotten from the guys.”  He refused to say why he spent 45 days in rehabilitation, but said he intends to continue with his treatment for sexual addiction. He also said that his wife, Elin, won’t be joining him at Augusta as he seeks his 15th major championship and fifth green jacket.

Critics lambasted Woods for appearing coached and staged in his “no questions” press conference a month ago.  But some of the same critics are now praising Woods for finally coming clean, appearing genuine and facing the music.  Tiger’s story that his marital troubles caused him to miss his son’s 1st birthday was a poignant and touching moment that many journalists are calling the most human and real they’ve ever seen him. With yesterday’s media event and a possible good showing on the golf course come Thursday, Tiger Woods is well on his way to rebuilding his brand and repairing his tarnished image.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Time to leave Tiger alone. If his wife forgave him so should we.

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