New Trump? Believe It Or Not
Old Trump or New Trump?
Politics –
New Trump? Believe It Or Not
Donald Trump claims he is now a NEW Trump — calmer, nicer, more presidential. Can we trust the NEW Trump, or is this all Part II of his reality show act to become President of the United States?
Being a misogynist, a xenophobe, a homophobe and an all-out racist has played very well to a specific wing of the Republican Party during the primaries, but that type of rhetoric would be suicidal during a general election. Such is the realization of Trump’s new campaign chief, Paul Manafort, who was brought on board recently to steer an erratic ship that has been sailing toward a fate similar to the Titanic.
How do you fix a 9-month-old campaign that has produced the most hated, divisive and incendiary political candidate in modern history? Call it all a charade and hope they buy it, that’s how!

“It was all an act,” Manafort assured about 100 members of the Republican National Committee on Thursday, adding that the NEW Trump recognized the need to reshape his persona and work with the GOP political establishment that he has long scorned.
“When he’s sitting in a room, he’s talking business, he’s talking politics in a private room, it’s a different persona,” Manafort said in remarks that were secretly recorded. “When he’s out on the stage, when he’s talking about the kinds of things he’s talking about on the stump, he’s projecting an image that’s for that purpose.”
Manafort continued: “That’s what’s important for you to understand: That he gets it, and that the part he’s been playing is evolving…He had to complete the first phase. The negatives are going to come down, the image is going to change, but Clinton is still going to be crooked Hillary.”
Campaign flunky surrogate Dr. Ben Carson, also weighed in, agreeing that there are 2 versions of Trump and that we are about to see the NEW Trump.
“There’s the one you see on the stage and there’s the one who’s very cerebral, sits there, and considers things very carefully,” Carson said, adding that the NEW Trump would “act differently” in the White House.
Oh, really??
The NEW Trump was quite noticeable last Tuesday night in New York, when he delivered a structured victory speech (instead of his usual off-the-cuff remarks), that referred to Senator Cruz, instead of “Lyin’ Ted.” However, the OLD Trump couldn’t help himself over the weekend, falling back into old habits and being the spontaneous attack dog we’ve all come to know.
Now, the candidates are speaking out.
“They were down in Florida, meeting with party leaders and they are saying — these are their words — that all of this is just a show… that he doesn’t believe anything he’s saying. He’s just trying to fool gullible voters and he’s not going to do any of it. He’s not going to build a wall, he’s not going to deport anyone. He is telling us he is lying to us,” said Sen. Ted Cruz.
“Trump keeps saying things like, ‘You know, uh, I didn’t really mean it. It was all part of my reality TV show. Running for president will be on your screen,'” Hillary Clinton said during a recent campaign rally while impersonating the Republican frontrunner.
“Well, if we buy that, shame on us,” she added. “Because he already showed us what he believes, and he has already said what he wants to do, and he wants to go after every one of the rights we have.”
The political redesign concocted by Manafort illustrates the lengths Trump is willing to go in order to win. Now, the campaign says it is running twin campaigns: a public one aimed at stoking the passions of his base against the Republican Party, and a private one designed to convince that same Republican Party that he’s actually been one of them all along. With such a massive chasm between the candidate he is offering to voters and the one he’s trying to sell to the establishment, how does anyone know who the REAL Trump is?
“Fixing personality negatives is a lot easier than fixing character negatives,” Manafort said. “You can’t change somebody’s character. But you can change the way somebody presents themselves,” he added in hopes that the country will believe the theory of a NEW Trump.
“You’ll start to see more depth to the person, the real person,” Manafort said, referring to campaign plans to present Trump in more “formal settings.”
Trump’s die-hard supporters seem willing to believe that their Trump is the “real” Trump. However, the GOP establishment is not buying it — and Trump knows it. The campaign seems to have realized they will not acquire the necessary 1,237 delegates needed for the nomination, that there will be a contested convention in the summer, and that Trump will find himself in need of the very GOP establishment members he’s been bashing. So, call his antics all a staged act and hope to befriend some party elders willing to boost him over the top. It’s a bold tactic.
“Is Donald Trump running against the Republican National Committee?” Manafort asked in reference to the candidate’s unrelenting assault on the establishment and what he calls the “crooked” nominating process. “The answer is he is not.”
Yeah, right!
Is the NEW Trump the “real” man he’s been all along? Or is this merely a campaign manager’s last-ditch effort to try to fool the establishment and the public, in hopes of salvaging a campaign that ran off the rails a long time ago?
Is the NEW Trump the “real” man he’s been all along? Or is this merely a campaign manager’s last-ditch effort to try to fool the establishment and the public, in hopes of salvaging a campaign that ran off the rails a long time ago? […]
Lol. DJ your post is too funny!
No sooner had Manafort made this ridicules claim…and the American news media ate it up, whole….when Trump, PREDICTABLY went right out to his next rally and immediately DENIED any such notion that he'd be changing his tune.
In fact, not only did *the Donald* resume delivering his usual insufferable speech, he gleefully doubled-down on going after "Lying Ted" and repeatedly mocked the RNC's "rigged" and "corrupt" primary elections process.
Manafort wishes his boss's vile, ignorant and crass behavior was all just "an act" – and that his boss was capable of behaving presidential…Lol.
Po fella……smh.
On a related note…..here's more proof that the Republican party IS a colossal mess:
Cruz continues to outhustle Trump in the battle for delegates. This past weekend, "Cruz picked up at least 65 of the 94 delegates available, and may draw in even more once Kentucky's 25 delegates reveal who they will support," reports Politico.
Added to that- Cruz and Kasich have announced they are now working together to keep Trump from getting the 1237 delagtes he'll need to avoid a contested convention.
Then there's this……
Apparently the Repub carnival is so odious that even Charles Koch (of the infamous right-wing billionaire Kock brothers) is "chocking" on the GOP. Yesterday on ABC News, Charles Koch said “it’s possible” Hillary Clinton could make a better president than whoever the GOP will pick at its convention.
And this……….
"Add the Koch brothers' massive political network to the growing list of those who say they will not be attending the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this July."
“Why go?” Charles Koch told ABC News in an article published Monday (this morning), referring to the brothers' umbrella political organization, Freedom Partners. “We're not interested in politics. We’re interested in moving us towards a culture and policies that will enable people to improve their lives.” H/T: Politico
LOL I'm with Truth you got me cracking up over here DJ. Trump ain't changed and anybody who thinks he did has a problem. He couldn't last a day before going back so he must be driving his manager crazy. Haha this reality show just gets better and better.
Nope. He's just bi polar, narcissistic & schizophrenic. No big deal