
New York Loves Hillary and Donald

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New York loves Clinton and Trump
New York loves Clinton and Trump

Politics –
New York Loves Hillary and Donald

On Tuesday, the State of New York proved it has a lot of love for its hometown heroes, handing both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump lopsided victories that could shape the remainder of the race.

Mrs. Clinton finished the night with a 57.9% to 42.1% win over her Democratic challenger, Bernie Sanders, winning 135 delegates to his 104 delegates.

New York SANDERSIn her victory remarks, Mrs. Clinton thanked New York and said “Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are pushing a vision for America that is divisive and frankly dangerous. Returning to trickle down economics. Opposing any increase in the minimum wage. Restricting a woman’s right to make her own health care decision. Promising to round-up millions of immigrants. Threatening to ban all Muslims from entering the country. Planning to treat all American Muslims like criminals. These things go against everything America stands for, and we have a very different vision. It’s about lifting each other up, not tearing each other down. So instead of building walls, we’re going to break down barriers.”

She added: “Because of you, this is the only campaign, Democratic or Republican, to have won more than ten million votes.”

Donald Trump ended the evening with a 60.5% win over his challengers. Interestingly, Gov. John Kasich came in 2nd place with 25.1% and Sen. Ted Cruz, who campaigned very little in New York and even insulted the values of the state, brought up the rear with 14.5%.  In the all important delegate count, Trump won 89 delegates, while Kasich won 3 delegates.  Sen. Cruz did not secure enough votes to win any delegates.

In a sign that his new campaign team is providing some much needed discipline, Trump kept his victory remarks short and spoke from a prepared speech, instead of winging it as he has clearly done in the past.

New York CRUZDuring the 8 minute speech, there was no cursing, no name-calling, no self-aggrandizing and only limited rambling. There was no mention of “Crooked Hillary” and he even referred to “Lyin’ Ted” as “Senator Cruz.” He skipped taking questions from the media and the opportunity to ridicule individual reporters or dodge their questions.

“We are going to be so strong again. We are going to be really — I mean, legitimately — so great again,” Trump said during the speech. “And I just can’t wait. So, we don’t have much of a race anymore, based on what I’m seeing on television. Senator Cruz is just about mathematically eliminated. And we’ve won another state.”

Trump’s words were true. With this win in New York, it seems mathematically impossible for any of the candidates to catch Trump or Hillary Clinton. Theoretically, they are their party’s nominees.

For Republicans, Trump has won 845 total delegates, while Cruz has secured 559 and Kasich has 147 (1,237 needed). For the Democrats, Mrs. Clinton has won 1893 delegates to Sanders’ 1180 (2,383 needed).

Not only did New York provide huge wins for its hometown heroes, but it looks as if it was the deciding factor for the November election.


OK WASSUP! discusses politics.  Today’s article:
New York provides huge wins for Clinton and Trump.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Not only did New York provide huge wins for its hometown heroes, but it looks as if it was the deciding factor for the November election. [….]

    DJ, I must say that alway look forward to your post-primary summary. Your summaries are always On-Point and you rpovide Us (your readers) with Just.The.Facts. Thank you so much for that.

    Now…..in keeping with just the facts, a few oberservations really struck me last night and this morning:

    First: Trump won New York. But he was expected to win. It's his home state. And as also expected, he won big over Kasich and Cruz. But if I may? I'd like to examine his "Landlside" victory (as the media breathlessly describes it) a little closer.

    Trump attained ONLY 518,601 votes in his home-state ….versus Kasich who attained 956,762 votes in his home-state of Ohio..and versus Cruz who attained 1,239,370 votes in his home-state of Texas.

    Now let's compare Trump's "Landslide" victory with who actually got the most votes last night:

    Trump got only 518,601 votes versus Sanders who received 752,739 votes…and versus Hillary who received 1,037,344.

    Keep in mind – Hillary attained her NY win despite over 100,000 people in districts where she really won BIG not being able to vote due to some error on the part of the precinct they were assigned to vote. In other words, had those 100,000 people been allowed to vote, no doubt Hillary's popular vote total would have been even higher.

    I shared all that to say this…… the American news media truly is, generally, a Dirty Rotten industry. Rotten to the core. The 1% who own the news media controls the narrative (the language and the message).

    I am reminded of George Orwell and Language Control: "He who controls the language controls the masses.”

    No matter your political affiliation (be it Dem, Repub, Independent, Libertarian, whatever) WE cannot continue to allow the 1% and their media hacks to play Us so easily. They seek to keep us distracted, divided and under their control, in order to retain Power and increase Profits, beginning with controlling the narrative.

    It's past-time for Us to WAKE-UP and grow a brain (do your own research and THINK for yourself).

    We're ALL in this thing together. We really are.

    1. Hey this is some good information Truth. But I'm not surprised. Trump won but he's still a big liability to the Repubs. I can't wait to see him in the fall.

      1. BD, – I kept hearing the repetitive media hype about Trump's supposed "Landslide" win in NY while Hillary's actual HUGE win was presented as simply "Hillary Stops Bernie's Momentum."

        Then I researched the actual vote numbers for myself and was like…Wow. WE (everyday, hard-working Americans) have GOT to be smarter. We can't keep letting them play Us so easily.

        We just can't BD.

  2. I also want to add…….

    It's clear that the GOPe is stuck with the nightmare of Trump. The Republican party is d*mned if Trump wins the nomination and d*mned if he doesn't.

    And it couldn't happen to a more deserving group of people.


  3. Umm….on a somewhat related note…..

    "Nothing Changed Yesterday—And Trump Is Still Not on the Path to Nomination"


    But despite his victory, Trump got only a very modest bump from New York last night. And despite the breathless TV and print commentary from our New York–centered media, he still faces huge obstacles if he wants to get a sufficient number of delegates to be nominated on the first ballot. And if he is not nominated on the first ballot, given Cruz’s wildly successful delegate strategy, it is unlikely he will be nominated at all. […]

    – Jeremy Carl, NRO writer

    Like I said, the GOP is d*mned if Trump gets the nomination and d*mned if he doesn't.

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