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As Newt Gingrich continues to leave his GOP presidential challengers in the dust, he’s about to pull out a secret weapon that could very well pay off for him in huge dividends — forgiveness!

Fairness and decorum have never been a part of Newt’s past.  He’s played gritty and dirty in politics, but even worse, he’s played loose with women and haphazardly with the sanctity of marriage.  Gingrich has had a number of extra-marital affairs.  One was with the woman to whom he is now married — which he started while his former wife lay in a hospital bed battling cancer.  He told his wife their marriage was over during that same hospital stay, proving class and tact were not his specialty.

Newt Gingrich wives

For years, the oh-so-powerful evangelical Christian base of the Republican party has been angry at Gingrich for his marital woes, which explains why they didn’t take him seriously when he first entered the presidential race.  But now, all of that may be about to change.

Christianity is based on the element of forgiveness and the ability to provide second chances to those who atone for their sins.  And that is just what the crafty Gingrich is about to do.

Gingrich is pondering a major speech to apologize for his past womanizing ways.  He plans to explain that he has asked the Lord to overlook his former transgressions, to make a formal and public pledge of marital fidelity to his current wife, and to seek full forgiveness from that much needed evangelical voting base. The Gingrich camp believes that those who are truly Christian, will be willing to turn the other cheek in the spirit of Jesus and to provide him with an opportunity for salvation.

What a cute trick, Newt.  The funny thing is, it just might work!

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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<span><span><span>HAH. Now ole Newt is seeking "forgiveness"…(rolling my eyes). Yeah.           Meanwhile, darn near the entire GOP *establishment is in FULL blown panic as Mr. "it doesn't matter what I do. It only matters what I say" inches ever closer to snatching the GOP's top prize right out of Mitt's "inevitable" hands_with a LOT of help from the GOP's *base* (talibangelicals who NOW, amazingly, COULDN'T care less about Newt's dirt..AND…teajihadists who NOW, amazingly, COULDN'T care less about Newt being a career politician AND corrupt lobbyist). Newt's their guy. A supposed *pitbull with a brain.* Why he's gonna "wipe the floor with Obama." And he's gonna "pull Obama's guts out and stomp em on the ground." </span></span> <span><span></span></span> <span><span>Pray tell how can the Repub *base* believe such nonsense?!              Anyway: Glenn Beck, Michael Savage (who just offered Newt $1 million dollars to drop out), Douthat, Rubin, Scarborough, Rubin, Krauthammer, et al…they're ALL on the verge of having a very public nervous breakdown. </span></span></span><span><span><span></span></span></span><span><span><span></span><span>Honestly, I think Newt epitomizes ALL that is the G.O.P. In fact, they couldn't asked for a… Read more »


This dude will say or do anything to get that prize. Lie and cheat for years then say sorry soon as it benefits you. Hahahaha yeah right!!


<span>It's funny BD. The man can *play* the Repub *base* (and the media quite frankly) all day long. As he said "It doesn't matter what I do. It only matters what I say."   "21 Days Till Iowa: Watching the Lincoln-Douglas Debacle"   Silly me. I’d been hoping for a real, substantive debate on foreign policy issues between Jon Huntsman and Newt Gingrich on Monday. The format was capacious; there were no silly gotcha questions–just mutually agreed upon topics for discussion. It was similar to the way Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas debated the most profound topic in the history of the republic, slavery in 1858. But what what we got instead was a sham, a 90-minute joint press confernce. What we got was, with certain admirable exceptions, the APPEARANCE of substance. And, more often than not when Gingrich was speaking, what we got was dangerous nonsense passed off as considered thought.   A waste of time? No.… Read more »

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