Comments on: NFL ‘Kneeling Ban’ During Anthem Is Illegal News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 13 Jun 2018 08:25:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wil Wed, 30 May 2018 02:04:08 +0000 Daily News:

As if the NFL’s national anthem policy was not already controversial enough, the league confirmed late Thursday that there was technically no official vote on the matter.

Instead owners were asked for a show of hands on who supported the new policy, an informal process often used, league spokesman Brian McCarthy told ESPN.

“That was considered a vote,” he said, adding that there were no nays among the owners.
However, 49ers owner Jed York and Raiders owner Mark Davis both abstained from the unofficial vote, which contradicts NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell’s assertion that the vote was “unanimous.”

The faux vote was done without consulting the NFL Players Association and Davis said he would not vote until he has spoken with his players.

York added he abstained for a lot of reasons, but mainly because “we want to make sure everything we’re doing is to promote progress.”

Per ESPN, the unofficial nature of the vote surprised some in the room because it was such a major resolution.

The new policy requires players to “stand and show respect for the anthem” but gives them the option to remain in the locker room during the playing of the anthem should they feel the need to protest.

Any player who does kneel or protest during the anthem would face punishment subject to that player’s team.

The NFLPA plans to “challenge any aspect” that is not consistent with the collective bargaining agreement. The union’s executive director DeMaurice Smith blasted the owners on Friday morning in an appearance on ESPN’s ‘Get Up.’

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 29 May 2018 20:33:54 +0000 In reply to Mr.BD.

I hear you Truth but I am not going to fault the young brother. He wants to be a football player not a activist. […]

Then BD my good friend, he never should have taken on the role of an activist by kneeling in the first place.

But I absolutely AGREE with you on this – the deafening SILENCE of professional Black athletes, musicians and other artists is quite telling. A glaring lack of profiles in Courage from most of the whole Cowardly lot.

By: Mr.BD Tue, 29 May 2018 18:51:26 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

I hear you Truth but I am not going to fault the young brother. He wants to be a football player not a activist.He is still trying to get signed by somebody and not give them any reason to say see I told you so. I don’t think the issue has gotten any less in his mind. He wants his career back but he is not giving any team ammunition to use against him. I think he is right to lay low for now. If he can get back into football he can still make the same point he always made. If anything, the people to be mad at are the ones who have been silent about everything the whole time. Where are all the other sports players and musicians and what not who are making their money saying nothing while Colin is still out of a job.

By: Mr.BD Tue, 29 May 2018 18:46:53 +0000 This thing is illegal as can be. Just like we have freedom of religion and can pray over our food at work they can’t tell you to stand or else you get fined. I already know the players union was not consulted on this and they are preparing a lawsuit which is going to win. Trump got these owners caught up in some of his mess and they are going to end up paying for it in the end.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 29 May 2018 15:25:42 +0000 Oh and word to the Colin Kaepernicks of the world………

DON’T ever start a protest – especially based on a Just cause- if your’e NOT prepared to see it through no matter the cost.

Kaepernick has, IMO, treated this whole protest as if the football field is the only place he can carry out his mission – to bring National awareness to the issues social, racial and criminal INjustices against People of color -primarily UNarmed Black men and boys- that continue to play out someplace in America Everyday.

Since being “blackballed” by NFL owners I’ve not seen or heard anything from Kaepernick concerning those same pressing least not in any nationally public forum.

His disappearance AND silence have NOT gone unnoticed.
