It’s a joyful day for football fans — the NFL season is back on!
Yesterday, NFL owners and players entered into an agreement that will end the lockout and govern the league’s work rules for the next 10 years. And it comes just in time for die hard pigskin fans to enjoy their coveted season.
The 136 day lockout came just as the league was enjoying unprecedented success. Now the league must evaluate what damage, if any, has been done to the game and to its image after putting fans through an emotional roller coaster.
Although the season is back on, numerous questions still linger, including the owners’ decisions that led to the lockout, the union’s decisions on decertification and litigation, and judges’ decisions that came during the lockout. But one big question still remains: since the owners spent 3 years preparing for the lockout, was it worth it for them? Only time will tell.
Now if only the NBA could get their act together in time for basketball season!