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Spread The Love

Everybody on the planet knows about the controversial Seattle Seahawks and Green Bay Packers football game this week, where replacement referees botched a call and cost the Packers the win.  Everybody also knows about the game only 24 hours earlier between the Ravens and Patriots, where replacement refs allowed a game winning field goal that never actually made it through the goal post. Well, purists of the game will be ecstatic to know their prayers have been answered — the strike is over!

The National Football League and the NFL Referees Association reached a tentative 8-year agreement late last night, effectively giving the unpopular replacement refs the boot and bringing back the tried and true officials. Both organizations released the following joint statement:

“The NFL and the NFL Referees Association agreed tonight to the terms of a new 8-year collective bargaining agreement that will return the game officials to the field for this weekend’s games, beginning with Thursday night’s Cleveland at Baltimore game.”

The news was sweet music to the ears of NFL fans, who have been tweeting, writing letters and threatening to stop watching games if the experienced referees weren’t brought back ASAP.  Well, as the old saying goes:  “Be careful what you ask for…you just might get it.” Now that the regular refs are back, let’s see how long the honeymoon lasts before fans are back to normal and pouncing on them too.




DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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