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Nick Gordon Sued For Bobbi Kristina’s Death

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Nick Gordon Sued For Bobbi Kristina’s Death

The estate for Bobbi Kristina Brown has filed a lawsuit against former boyfriend, Nick Gordon, claiming he is directly responsible for her death.

Entertainment News
According to the $40 million lawsuit, Bobbi Kristina died after Nick Gordon gave her a toxic cocktail. When she fell into unconsciousness, he put her face down in the bathtub in the same position her mother, singer Whitney Houston, was found.

In court documents, the lawyer representing Bobbi Kristina’s estate said that at 6am on January 31st, Nick Gordon came home from an all-night cocaine and alcohol binge.  After seeing home security video footage of Bobbi Kristina telling a friend via phone that she was ready to leave him, Nick Gordon began screaming at Bobbi Kristina, accusing her of cheating and calling her a “whore and bitch.”

A bloody fight broke out between the pair, then Nick Gordon “lunged onto Bobbie Kristina while she sat on the living room couch, hitting her so hard in the face that the couch broke, knocking her to the floor, and continued to beat her in the face until she was bloody. Afterwards, he began kicking Bobbi Kristina in the side to the point that she was on the floor screaming and curled up in the fetal position.”

Bobbi KristinaTheir argument went from room to room, then Nick Gordon gave Bobbi Kristina a “toxic cocktail” that rendered her unconscious. Nick Gordon then dragged Bobbi Kristina to the bathroom where he placed her face down in a tub filled with cold water.

According to the court docs, Nick Gordon got into bed, put his head on a female guest’s ankle and said, “Now I want a pretty little white girl like you.”

Entertainment News
The suit also claimed that approximately 15 minutes later, (Nick Gordon friend) Max Lomas discovered Bobbi Kristina in the bath tub.  Nick Gordon and Lomas performed CPR, with Gordon also slapping her face and saying, “Wake up.” When she was pulled from the tub, a tooth was hanging loosely from her mouth, indicating she had been injured. Oddly, the suit says authorities also found a dust pan at the bottom of the tub.

Nick Gordon has denied any wrongdoing, saying Bobbi Kristina had simply taken too many drugs.

The original lawsuit filed on June 24th by Brown’s court-appointed conservator, Bedelia Hargrove, claimed that Gordon assaulted Brown and stole thousands of dollars from her. It was recently amended, adding the wrongful death accusation as well as the wording that Nick Gordon “gave Bobbi Kristina a toxic cocktail rendering her unconscious and then put her face down in a tub of cold water causing her to suffer brain damage.”

If the shocking allegations against Nick Gordon are found to be true, this clearly amount to homicide.

In addition to the lawsuit from the Bobbi Kristina estate, police have been conducting their own covert investigation into her death.  Authorities are reportedly offering Max Lomas immunity in exchange for him agreeing to testify against Nick Gordon in the murder of Bobbi Kristina Brown.

Bobbi Kristina Nick Gordon
Nick Gordon, Bobbi Kristina, Max Lomas


OK WASSUP! covers Entertainment News. Today’s article:
Nick Gordon sued for the death of Bobbi Kristina.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. There's a lot of dark secrets involved here. I can't wait until this whole story comes to light. And I don't doubt for one minute that Nick Gordon is involved somehow.

  2. Hmm……

    So the "estate of Bobbi Kristina" is WHO exactly? Bobby Brown and his kinfolk? The Houstons? Or some combination thereof of both families?

    Well whoever the person is..or persons are…he/she/or they appear to have this whole thing figured out huh?

    No need to wait for law enforcement to wrap up the investigation which hopefully will reveal what REALLY happened based on ACTUAL evidence. Let's just go with the story provided by "the estate" of Bobbi Kristina../sarc

    Am I saying that Nick Gordon is innocent in all this? No. Setting aside the possibility he may have had a hand in BK's death, it sounds like he's got some serious addiction problems, at the very least…which means he was no good for BK anyway.

    But I am also reminded that it was Bk's own parents….certainly her mother…who not only allowed Gordon into their highly addictive lives but also brought him into their very dysfunctional home to live under the same roof with their very young and deeply troubled daughter.

    And then suddenly….after years of all kinds of utter foolishness going on in Bobby and Whitney's world…Whitney DIED, either by way of accidental or deliberate drowning with a boatload of drugs in her system at the time of her death…leaving Bobbi Kristina here, ALONE, to fend for herself and deal with the world – no doubt, a frightening task for BK, by any stretch of the imagination, given how woefully ill-prepared that child was.

    If concrete evidence links Gordon to BK's death, then by all means, let justice be served.

    In the meantime, I ain't trying to hear anything being spewed from the mouths of family members of either family. IMO, both families have behaved despicably and without shame..

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