Comments on: No Experience Necessary In Trump White House News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 07 Dec 2016 09:10:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Tue, 06 Dec 2016 19:07:36 +0000 …….and on a related note…..

"Flynn under fire for fake news"


As Donald Trump’s national security adviser, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn will have to advise the president of the veracity of foreign and domestic threats, separating those that require immediate policy action from propaganda or misinformation.

But Flynn himself has used social media to promote a series of outrageous conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama and their inner circles in recent months — pushing dubious factoids at least 16 times since Aug. 9, according to a POLITICO review of his Twitter posts. Flynn, who has 106,000 Twitter followers, has used the platform to retweet accusations that Clinton is involved with child sex trafficking and has "secretly waged war” on the Catholic Church, as well as charges that Obama is a “jihadi” who “laundered” money for Muslim terrorists.

Now some say Flynn’s fondness for spreading fake news casts doubt on his fitness to serve as the White House’s national security adviser, suggesting that he either can’t spot a blatant falsehood or is just ideologically bent to believe the worst of his perceived enemies.

The flak began flying anew after Sunday’s shooting at a Washington pizza restaurant that had been targeted by false, internet-fed rumors accusing it of being the epicenter of a satanic child-trafficking conspiracy involving Clinton and her allies. Flynn had twice used Twitter to promote similar, only slightly less outrageous hoaxes in the past month, including a claim that Clinton’s campaign manager takes part in occult rituals in which bodily fluids are consumed.

Those were far from isolated tweets for Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

In the vast majority of instances in the past four months, he was passing along other people’s conspiratorial tweets instead of casting them in his own voice. In one example, he retweeted a post about a Fox News story claiming that the Army had identified Clinton as an “insider threat.” Another time, he reposted a tweet by someone named “Eagle Wings” about an alleged United Nations one-world-government plot called Agenda 21. […] Politico

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. Another stark example of the kind of people Trump wants in his administration.

Know-nothings, No experience and Nutjobs.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 06 Dec 2016 15:14:08 +0000 DJ, my good man, Trump and his administration will no doubt prove to be just what his supporters want. The *Know-nothing* and *No experience* presidency. His supporters are just fine with that. .

After all – did not Trump's electoral college win prove that a White man, such as himself, regardless of personal or intellectual "Fitness" can simply saunter in off the streets – be as vile and vulgar as possible, LIE compulsively, spew all manner of venom to divide this nation and BS his way straight to the Presidency…?! You're darn skippy. That's exactly what it proved.

And so now that I know THIS truth about my country I must sadly, accept that fact while totally rejecting the ignorance and insanity of it all.

As I've expressed before, for however long that guy is president, I personally will NOT have a president. I will continue to pray for my country and my people. And I will continue to live my life as I always have, to the best of my ability.

I suspect that Trump's presidency will be a time of reckoning for America.

Time will surely tell.
