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Spread The Love

Chalk up a victory for John and Jane Air Traveler!

In an unprecedented gesture of unity and civility toward fee-weary air travelers, American, Delta, United, US Airways, and Jet Blue airlines all collectively committed to not play “follow-the-leader” with Spirit Airlines in their bid to charge a fee for carry-on bags.

The announcement Sunday comes despite the fact that most airlines have taken a substantial beating from higher fuel prices and heavy February snowstorms.  Add-on fees for services such as checked bags, pillows and food are a potential gold mine of revenue for the airlines.  But  even they believed a carry-on fee policy would be too much for travelers to accept.

Airlines say the many mandatory extra fees haven’t stopped most people from flying, but did acknowledge most of those fees can be avoided. However, the airlines agree it would be extremely difficult if not impossible for most travelers to avoid a carry-on bag fee.  “We believe it is something that’s important to our customers and they value, and we will continue making that available to them at no charge,” American Airlines spokesman Roger Frizzell said.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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