
Non-Presidential Trump Is No Real Leader

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Donald Trump: the non-presidential non-leader

Politics –
Non-Presidential Trump
Is No Real Leader

Well, it’s official, folks.  Not only is Donald Trump the most non-presidential figurehead America has ever seen, but he has also single-handedly demoted the US from being the long-respected leader of the free world!

Late last week, “The Donald” gave a great big middle-finger to the world by pulling America out of the Paris global climate accord. Thanks, Donald.

In case you’re unfamiliar, the historic environmental agreement was reached in Paris on December 12, 2015, by representatives from 196 nations to adopt green energy sources, cut down on climate change emissions and limit the rise in global temperatures — while also agreeing to collectively cope with the impact of unavoidable climate change. The agreement acknowledged that the threat of climate change is “urgent and potentially irreversible,” and could only be addressed through “the widest possible cooperation by all countries” and “deep reductions in global emissions.”


In 2012, it was good enough for 196 world leaders, including the United States. However, in 2017, it was somehow NOT good enough for Donald Trump. Despite calls from environmental experts, corporate executives, and global leaders, Trump made the non-presidential move to pull the US out of the historic agreement and basically say “F*ck You” to the future of the planet.

Needless to say, the world reacted in horror to Donald’s inexplicable decision. However, Trump saw it as some sort of “gotcha” victory over the rest of the world.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel

“We don’t want other leaders and other countries laughing at us anymore, and they won’t be. They won’t be,” Trump said, setting up the Paris accord as some sort of global plot to rob America of its freedom.

“I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.”

Um, no, non-presidential Trump — you weren’t!

His actions came only a week after German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivered a verbal dig to “The Donald” following his European visit, saying the days of Europe being able to rely on others was now “over to a certain extent. This is what I have experienced in the last few days.”


In yet another display of his non-presidential presidency, Trump was anything but comforting following the deadly attack on the London Bridge over the weekend.

Trump could have released a statement offering condolences to the victims, or offering words of encouragement (like any other president would have done) that the US remains resolute in its fight against terror. But, he didn’t.

Instead, he opted to tweet FIVE TIMES in an attempt to prove how right he is about his thrice rejected travel ban.


On Saturday, Trump kicked off a night of tweeting with this gem: “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

He then followed that up by taking a swipe at the Muslim Mayor of London, saying “At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is ‘no reason to be alarmed!.'”

A few tweets later, he added: “Do you notice we are not having a gun debate right now? That’s because they used knives and a truck!”


Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, these are not the actions or the words of a true leader. Where is the comfort? Where is the compassion? Where is the leadership? Trump would rather make a point than be a real president.

And that, my friends, is about as non-presidential as anyone can get!




OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
Non-presidential Trump is no leader.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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I'll simply cosign Reza Asian's take on "the Donald." :

"This piece of sh*t is not just an embarrassment to America and a stain on the presidency. He's an embarrassment to humankind."

Trump's supporters consider him to be the best president…For.Them.

They are right.

Mr. BD

The sad part is he really thinks everything he is doing is making the world not laugh at us. Except they are laughing at us and he's the last to know it. This guy is so out of touch it isn't even funny. I co sign Reza Asain too. When he pulled us out of the Paris agreement we were screwed.


I can't believe this meathead is a successful real estate person. He can't stay on point. At times he rambles constantly repeating to fill dead air.


Oh, and Rena Asian, you nailed it.


Sorry Reza, spell check doesn't know you.


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Tyler W.

Yet none of you liberals ever complained about Obama making the us the laughingstock of the world nor did you complain about all the stupid shit and especially the lies that came out of his mouth. All this fake outrage is pathetic. If you love America you back America. Continuous sniveling because your criminal candidate Hillary didn't win is as childish as it gets. Also I have a news flash for you brain dead sheep that follow whatever the Dem. party tells you to. The planet works in cycles, as does the universe. Man made global warming is a hoax that is making Al Gore and company lots and lots of money. NASA scientists even published an article saying climate change is not man made but a cycle. The Earth is actually entering a cool down phase. That's why you had to change your vocabulary from global warming to climate… Read more »


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