Comments on: Non-Presidential Trump Is No Real Leader News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 06 Jun 2017 20:56:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Tue, 06 Jun 2017 20:56:31 +0000 TPM Reader:
Ho-kay we've had crooked Presidents before, and incurious, impulsive, mulishly "decisive" ones, But we've never yet had a mentally ill one provoking chaos in the international order, in diplomatic circles, in military matters, in the world economy, in everything. And we've never had a dominant political party playing chicken with the well-being of the world. […]

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 06 Jun 2017 20:22:53 +0000 TAC Reader:
The sheer level of completely stupid moronic decisions by this man is almost incomprehensible.

Not only do we put our soldiers, citizens, and affiliated members at risk in the country, we embolden greater discord among our reckless client states. {SEE "Trump’s Qatar Blunder" by TAC writer Daniel Larison}

Today, we also find out that the Saudi Weapons deal is also BS.

So what we have is a president and executive office lead by people who have no idea what they are doing, are running headlong from crisis to crisis, and are only lucky that the world is too afraid of getting in the way of these people doing stupid things that they haven’t fallen on their face and risked the lives of many people. We are one Hurricane away from realizing how bad things really are. […]

TAC Reader:
It matters not whether Trump’s condition is genetic or due to accelerating sclerosis, it puts our nation in peril. Hopefully the private discussions of 25th amendment disability will quickly become more public and be acted upon. […]

TAC Reader:
Putin must be smiling. The reason the Russians like to destabilize the Middle East is their economy requires the highest possible oil prices.

The Saudis like expensive oil, too. But their regime is less robust so their tolerance for political/social turmoil is lower than Russia’s.

I’ll bet the US national security apparatus learned about Trump’s move pretty much the same way we did — by reading about in the news.

One more crisis like this and Trump’s removal from office will be a serious possibility. This is getting dangerous. […]

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 06 Jun 2017 20:15:34 +0000 Now back to the REAL world…….Tues. June 6, 2017.

BREAKING: "Trump’s Saudi Arms Deal Is Actually Fake"


Remember President Trump’s big, triumphant arms deal in Saudi Arabia? It turns out it didn’t really happen. It was Trump’s own fake news, a feat of supply chain vertical integration and more importantly for the MAGA agenda repatriating jobs from Russia. In all seriousness, at the end of the day it didn’t happen. There are no contracts or sales. At all.

So how could this be? The story comes from Bruce Riedel, a longtime CIA and national security official, now at Brookings. The Potemkin deal turns out to be remarkably similar to the Trump jobs announcements we’ve grown accustomed to. Trump takes a bunch of jobs or investments which either already exist or have already been announced and rebrands them as new economic growth driven by Trump Power. In this he usually has a compliant and complicit CEO, happy to go along with the charade to curry favor with the US President.

Here’s what Riedel discovered …

"I’ve spoken to contacts in the defense business and on the Hill, and all of them say the same thing: There is no $110 billion deal. Instead, there are a bunch of letters of interest or intent, but not contracts. Many are offers that the defense industry thinks the Saudis will be interested in someday. So far nothing has been notified to the Senate for review. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency, the arms sales wing of the Pentagon, calls them “intended sales.” None of the deals identified so far are new, all began in the Obama administration."

As I said, this turns out to be remarkably similar. The $110 price tag advertised by the Trump White House includes no actual contracts, no actual sales. Instead it is made up of a bundle of letters of intent, statements of interest and agreements to think about it. In other words, rather than a contract, it’s more like a wishlist: an itemized list of things the Saudis might be interested in if the price of oil ever recovers, if they start more wars and things the US would like to sell the Saudis. […]

Full read:


By: Truthiz1 Tue, 06 Jun 2017 18:08:40 +0000 Regular readers will notice a drive-by sniper in our midst. Not because he disagrees with the consensus point of view. We welcome Independent thinkers around here. But because of the following:

1. He began his response by assuming we're all "liberals" on this site.

2. He then launches immediately into a BLATANT lie that Pres. Obama made us a "laughingstock of the world.". Notice he provided NO facts to back up that foolishness. It's just his opinion and that of millions of Obama HATERS. But let's move on…………

3. He then follows up that nonsense with a heavier dose of nonsense in his complaint about " all the stupid shit and especially the lies that came out of {Obama's} mouth." Again, he provides NOTHING to back up his claims. He simply spews it because??? But let's move on……….

4. He then quickly pivots into a tirade about "your criminal candidate Hillary."

Now mind you, we all know NOW that the Trump campaign WAS AND REMAINS under federal investigation for possible collusion with the Russians to interfere with Our elections AT THE TIME of the elections. We also now know that that investigation has WIDENED and become a full-blown Criminal investigation into all sorts of possible criminal actions. But let's move on……

5. He then goes on the immediate attack again with "news flash for you brain dead sheep"…..yada, yada. yada……

Get the picture?

People like him have NOTHING to offer…….absolutely NOTHING….but Hate.

Hopefully the readers of THIS great site never takes the bait.

By: Tyler W. Tue, 06 Jun 2017 16:00:54 +0000 Yet none of you liberals ever complained about Obama making the us the laughingstock of the world nor did you complain about all the stupid shit and especially the lies that came out of his mouth. All this fake outrage is pathetic.
If you love America you back America. Continuous sniveling because your criminal candidate Hillary didn't win is as childish as it gets.
Also I have a news flash for you brain dead sheep that follow whatever the Dem. party tells you to.
The planet works in cycles, as does the universe. Man made global warming is a hoax that is making Al Gore and company lots and lots of money. NASA scientists even published an article saying climate change is not man made but a cycle. The Earth is actually entering a cool down phase. That's why you had to change your vocabulary from global warming to climate change. Also lets not forget the leaked emails that exposed the global warming scientists for the frauds they are.
Try critical thinking (that means figuring out the truth for yourself) instead of blindly listening to retards like Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton and Obama. They're lying to you and your buying every word of it. God Bless America
