
Non-Whites Should Not Be President: Trump

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Should non-whites be allowed to serve as President of the United States or any top role in The White House? Donald Trump doesn’t think so.

Politics :
We all remember how Trump led the charge that former President Barack Obama was born in Kenya and therefore ineligible to be POTUS. We also remember similar claims Trump levied against Vice-President Kamala Harris (who is Black and Indian), as well as his attacks on GOP Sen. Ted Cruz (who is Latino) when Cruz ran against him in 2016.


Now, Trump is at it again with a new crusade against non-whites being in the Oval Office. Only this time, his target is Nikki Haley, the Indian-American woman who is running against him for president.

Haley has become a valiant challenger against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination for president. So, Trump has taken to social media with the lie that Nikki Haley isn’t eligible to be president because she’s not a natural-born U.S. citizen (a dog whistle to remind his MAGA followers that she’s not ‘one of them’).

Sound familiar?

On Monday, Trump posted a screenshot on his Truth Social network of a false story claiming that Haley is disqualified from being president or vice president because “reports indicate that her parents were not US citizens at the time of her birth in 1972.” The claims were originally published by the far-right website, The Gateway Pundit, and then shared by Trump to his 5.5 million Truth Social followers.


However, just like he did with Obama, Harris, and Cruz when they were his political opponents, Trump is pushing the racist idea that because Haley’s immigrant parents are from India, she’s not a real American and is therefore disqualified from running for president.

The fact is, Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii. Ms. Harris was born in Oakland, CA. Nikki Haley was born in South Carolina. Still, they are each brown-skinned and non-whites, which in Trump’s book makes them ineligible.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Trump is pure garbage, a 2-legged, pathological lying, ignorant, jealous and Frightened, old White racist and bigot with a little (and,I do mean little) money and bottomless gaping hole where his Soul should be.

He’s a weak-azz, but very dangerius, follower pretending to be a leader of about 35-37% of Americans who just want a figure-head to cater to them and carry out their deepest and darkest wishes and delusional fatasies.

Trump fits the job perfectly!


So now Trump and his puppet-masters have decided to go full birtherism against Nikki Haley huh!?! Lol.. smh!

Well she and her craven-azz ilk (i.e. Ted Cruz) had no problem with Trump attacking Obama with the birtherism lie so let Nikki Haley suck it up and deal with it, while she tries like H*ll to ignore her east Indian-American heritage.


Preach Truth! They were okay with it when it was somebody else. Now it is a problem because it involves them.


NBC: Donald Trump, the chief propagator of false “birther” claims first against then-President Barack Obama and later against Sen. Ted Cruz, has a new target: Nikki Haley. As Haley surges in New Hampshire polling, Trump posted an article on his Truth Social account from a right-wing outlet that claimed Haley, his GOP rival, is ineligible to be president because her parents were not U.S. citizens when she was born. Haley was born in South Carolina and has lived in the U.S. her entire life. Her parents were immigrants, who became citizens after her birth in 1972. “The birther claims against Nikki Haley are totally baseless as a legal and constitutional matter,” Harvard Law School professor emeritus Laurence Tribe wrote in an email. “I can’t imagine what Trump hopes to gain by those claims unless it’s to play the race card against the former governor and UN ambassador as a woman… Read more »


Everybody already knows he is a racist piece of doo doo. That is one of the main things all his Maga folk love about him. He gives them permission to be racist too.

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