Current Events

Normal Is DEAD! Welcome To The New ABnormal!

- Some things will never be the same again.

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Folks, it’s time for a heaping dose of reality.  Normal is DEAD!  Until a COVID-19 vaccine is invented or, at the very least, a rapid test is created, life, as we knew it a month ago, is no more!

Current Events
Welcome to the new ABnormal — a universe we never thought we’d see and a way of life we sometimes feel is an awfully bad dream.  However, amidst all the talk of “When can we get back to normal?” is this very sad reality that the past and our lives as we once knew it is over.  Today and beyond is the new normal.

Normal Is Dead

Regrettably, normal is dead — or at least what we remember as normal.  Our lives on the day we left our jobs for the last time and locked ourselves into our homes is a done deal.  Some things will never be the same.

Are You Fist-Bump Savvy?

Handshakes are an ancient ritual of the past that will never be revived.  The same goes for high-fives.  Some coworkers we saw on our last day of work won’t survive this pandemic and our work-life will forever be shifted.  It will take a long time for people to trust that we can hug again, or sit next to someone on a crowded subway or in a Broadway theater.  How long will it take for us to feel safe without needing to wear face masks and gloves, or to touch a shopping cart or an elevator button without feeling contaminated and the need to reach for hand sanitizer?

Normal Is Dead

Yes, on that glorious day when we eventually emerge from all of this, it will be as if mankind just landed on Mars and has to figure out how to live on a desolate planet.  In many ways, it will like starting from scratch.

The thing most people may not realize is that this virus will thrive until a vaccine is created — which means the thought of the world shutting down for a few weeks or months and then magically going back to before is a pipe dream.

For possibly A YEAR while we wait for a vaccine, people will need to practice social distancing in order to prevent spreading the virus or contracting it themselves. Since there aren’t always symptoms, we won’t be able to mix like we’ve done before because nobody will know who has it and who doesn’t. That means that for now, packing a sports arena to watch a live game is over. Going to a Broadway show or a movie screening is over. Vacationing at the Eiffel Tower or in Times Square is over. Unless they can separate society into who has it and who doesn’t, we can’t go back to our lives a month ago until the virus is eradicated.

Normal Is Dead

Health officials have been telling us this same info in piecemeal so as to not invoke public panic.  However, some of us have already figured out the obvious.  Normal is dead.  How we once lived and did things is done.  Our new normal is on the horizon and in our future and it’s time for us to start preparing for a new way of living.

OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Normal is DEAD.  This is the new ABnormal.



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Health officials have been telling us this same info in piecemeal so as to not invoke public panic. However, some of us have already figured out the obvious. Normal is dead. How we once lived and did things is done. Our new normal is on the horizon and in our future and it’s time for us to start preparing for a new way of living. […]

    That’s it. Right there. Thank you DJ for giving it to Us “straight up no chaser.”

    We’re grown-ups here on this site. Not only can We handle Truth and Facts. We welcome it!!! And yes, “some of us” had already figured out “the obvious”…quite some time ago.

    Speaking as a Black woman in America WE (the descendants of slaves) had better be ahead of *the game* (know what the Real deal is) AND prepare ourselves for *it* or we will definitely end up paying the bigger price.

  2. On a much broader note……..

    Though this moment in time in our nation’s history truly pains me and leaves me with a feeling of anger and national embarrassment for Our federal government’s reprehensible Failure of Historic magnitude – I believe this calamity may have given Us (WE, who truly love this country) the slap in the face WE needed to WAKE UP from Our collective sleep, apathy and self-centered “I don’t give a fig about anything or anybody but me” attitude.

    Ignorance is NOT “bliss.” It’s ignorant. Being woefully Uninformed AIN’T “cool.” It’s dangerous.

    Electing a person like Trump to the highest office in the land and the most powerful position is the world AIN’T smart. It’s insane!!!…..and a national disgrace!

    But WE can change all that…in November. VOTE!

  3. I was just thinking about this the other day when I went to the store. The shelves were empty especially the meat and what ever else they had was scraps left over. I thought this must be how it is in those poor countries we use to see on tv when people could only get bread because nothing else was left. We ignored it when we saw other people going through it but now it is us. Then I heard some of the main meat factories are shutting down because workers got the virus. That means we might not be able to get the meat we want to buy. This is going to go on for a while and a lot of people are not ready.

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