President Bannon: The Great Manipulator

Politics –
President Bannon:
The Great Manipulator
He’s an avowed racist and white supremacist. He’s also Donald Trump’s top adviser inside The White House. Now, there are whispers that Steve Bannon is actually PRESIDENT Bannon, and Donald Trump is merely a figurehead puppet who does whatever he’s told to do. Could it be?
Granted, plenty of US presidents have had prominent political advisers by their side who were suspected of quietly concocting their pet policies within the catacombs of The White House. Bill Clinton had Dick Morris. George W. Bush had Karl Rove and Dick Cheney. However, there has never been anyone in modern politics more obsessed with power than Steve Bannon — AKA President Bannon.
President Bannon is reportedly responsible for the controversial Muslim ban a week ago. President Bannon is also responsible for the firing of career employees inside the State Department, effectively removing a reputable checks and balances system inside the executive branch.
However, it’s a slippery and slimy move recently done on the DL that has everyone talking.
President Bannon persuaded Trump to sign an executive order to remove the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the director of national intelligence from the National Security Council in favor of: HIM. This means that in spite of Bannon having NO military experience and NO foreign policy experience, he now controls the powerful NSC — which provides him (among other things) full authority to order the assassination of ANY American or non-American he believes to be a threat to national security.
Now THAT’S power!
Traditionally, the NSC never permits political appointees, so as to prevent a member from making political moves under the guise of national security. However, that is exactly what President Bannon has done. In fact, he has not only positioned himself as a political Svengali but as the de facto president, too.

Donald Trump may hold the title, but Steve Bannon holds the power. While Trump doesn’t bother himself with reading security reports or attending security briefings, Bannon does. He is Stalin and Lenin combined. His aim is to create a White Nationalist State. He publicly promised to go to Washington to burn the government down, and within only 2 weeks in power, he is well on his way to keeping his word.
Bannon has positioned himself, along with first son-in-law, Jared Kushner, as Trump’s most trusted aide. In a relatively short amount of time, he has successfully shut out those voices that might offer alternative views and has even eclipsed the national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. In short, he is the true puppet-master, while Trump is merely the marionette at the end of the strings.
Well, the general public has since taken notice and have created the hashtag #PresidentBannon all across social media. They’re even starting to send postcards to The White House addressed to “President Bannon” in the hopes of angering the thin-skinned Trump into firing him.
#PresidentBannon #PostcardsToBannon will be in the mail tomorrow. pic.twitter.com/JfAh6Le309
— Jane Padilla (@jmpadilla50) February 7, 2017
Remember to remind President Bannon of what a terrific job he’s doing. #PostcardsToBannon pic.twitter.com/ADOPinPC1H
— Phil, Conquistadork (@ElConquistadork) February 7, 2017
I teach composition and use fake news articles, including his, as examples of shit writing in class. I didn’t even lie! Â #PostcardsToBannon pic.twitter.com/SzEaLK2mqP
— Literature Lady (@Literature_Lady) February 7, 2017
I’m in ↓: “Maybe postcards to WH addressed to ‘President Bannon’ would be the best way to get Bannon fired.” @cwardell@justinhendrix pic.twitter.com/UFtQPY0vjU
— Dean Pomerleau (@deanpomerleau) February 6, 2017
President Bannon is hell-bent on returning white Christian supremacy to America. His Muslim ban and his Mexican wall are only the beginning of what’s in store. Just wait until he goes after the LGBT and pro-choice communities — then starts picking Supreme Court nominees to back up his agenda.
Should Donald Trump be concerned? Or is President Bannon already fully in control?
Your entire post is absolutely spot-on DJ.
Beginning with your assertion that Bannon is "Stalin and Lenin combined." That's not just hyperbole. It is an accurate description of the man based on his own words.
"Bannon says he’s a Leninist: That could explain the White House’s new tactics"
Stephen Bannon, President Trump’s chief political strategist and, after Trump, the most powerful man in Washington, once declared proudly: “I am a Leninist.” He was talking to a New York university academic who had written extensively on communism and the former Soviet Union. “What on earth do you mean?” the professor asked him. “Lenin wanted to destroy the state and that’s my goal too,” replied Bannon. “I want to bring everything crashing down and destroy all of today’s establishment.”
From the evidence of Trump’s extraordinary campaign and first two weeks in the White House, Bannon has an assortment of Leninist political tactics that could have come from the Bolshevik leader’s playbook.
Two days after Lenin seized power in Russia almost exactly a century ago, he began an assault on the press – and his successors in the USSR did not let up for the next 70 years. […..] The Guardian
"Should Donald Trump be concerned? Or is President Bannon already fully in control?"
Unfortunately, Bannon already has Trump's ear and Trump is way too full of himself and self-deluded to ever accept that he's being played by Bannon and, perhaps even, his National Security Advisor, Lieutenant Gen. Michael Flynn. (SEE the recent saber-rattling aimed at Iran).
And while Bannon doesn't YET have full control – he's darn sure working on it.
Regarding the obvious contradictions of Bannon, a TAC Reader writes:
The contradictions are numbing.
{Bannon} talks about how angry he was at the bankers in 2008, so what does his president do? Immediately announce his intention to allow the bankers to go back to doing exactly what they were pre-2008, because his “friends” are having problems over-leveraging their businesses.
He talks about how the unionized glass worker in Flint struggles to compete against the third world immigrant. So what will his president do? Support the strengthening of workers rights, unions, and other government regulations to strengthen the position of the worker in the marketplace? Nope, he will support right-to-work legislation and every form of union-busting Republicans throw his way and I guarantee his government will never lift a finger to actually penalize companies that hire illegal immigrants.
It almost makes it seem like he’s not entirely sincere about what he says he believes.
Bannon, Miller, Flynn and their ilk are all clearly itching for a major war with whoever they can come up with, Iran, China, Mexico, literally whoever. Their policies and goals will result in the suffering and deaths of likely millions. And yet, even people on the right side of the spectrum who recognize this still spend most of their time talking about how this is all the fault of liberals and leftists and literally anyone other than the people who were foolish enough to actually vote for this administration and hand the keys of the most powerful state in the history of the world over to a band of con artists like Trump, extremists like Flynn, and literal nihilists (or “Leninists”) like Bannon. As conservatives are usually so keen to say: Whatever happened to personal responsibility?
I don’t know how the next 4 years will play out, but if the last 2 weeks are any indication, all those who helped Trump gain power will one day need to atone for it, for the needless suffering that has been brought into this world, and you won’t be able to blame liberals for the world we live in anymore. […]
TAC Reader:
Yep. What the movers and shakers and opinion makers don’t realize is that people who want to burn it all down aren’t simply pathological pyromaniacs – the truth is, they’re just locked outside and freezing to death. [….]
You hit it out the park DJ. Bannon is the real president. Trump just wants all the fame and walking around looking important. Plus he wants the power to get back at people he doesn't like. That is why he didn't go to the security meetings after he got elected because all that stuff bores him. But Steve Bannon is building a war. He knows exactly he's doing and Trump is just a puppet. All true but all pretty scary at the same time.