Comments on: NOT GUILTY! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Thu, 07 Jul 2011 12:00:36 +0000 Quotes of the DayThe jury reached its decision based on an impending cruise and 'I don't like to judge others' […]Unfortunately, I think those elements entered into the decision. This jury deliberated for less than 11 hours. That is less than 1 hour per juror to talk about their beliefs of the evidence and witnesses. There is no way a competent juror could do that in that short of time. With just the notes I kept from the choosing of the jury to the end of the closing arguments, my explanation of beliefs and how I came to them would take much longer than an hour. Only a few of the jurors took notes. It was like they couldn't be bothered, or perhaps they thought themselves so special that THEY could remember all the facts without the help of a reminder.This jury didn't understand "beyond a REASONABLE doubt", and the value of circumstantial evidence and the weight they should use for it. I have to wonder if they actually listened to the Judge when he gave them his instructions. I think they may have made up their minds BEFORE they got the instructions. If so, then they did NOT do their job.I got to see it all. I have the luxury of having that kind of time, and choose to spend it this way due to my present circumstances. I'm glad I did because I discovered what is often reported by the cable channels is often inaccurate or just plain wrong. From this point on, I'll have much less faith in news reports now than I used to have. EVERY cable channel, at one time or another, got a fact wrong. […]Newsvine Commenters: July 6, 2011

By: LMP Wed, 06 Jul 2011 12:47:26 +0000 <span>Not Guilty? I get "beyond reasonable doubt", but I do not understand how child endangerment wasn't on the table. 30 days lying about her child's whereabouts and not being held accountable? Are you kidding me?</span>

By: Truthiz Wed, 06 Jul 2011 12:38:08 +0000 Truly DJ…there are NO words to describe how sick I felt listening to this verdict yesterday! Honestly, for me, it was like watching the OJ Simpson verdict all over again…smh.  I didn't follow the trial on TV (the media tends to sensationalize the most horrid stories and frankly, I consider the media at least partly to blame for "celebrities" and *celebrity-types* being able to get away with murder, if you will). But I followed it via the internet.  IMO, there's something SERIOUSLY wrong with our Criminal Justice System. You've got ordinary every-day people..INNOCENT people…incarcerated FOR YEARS (some of them sitting on death-row FOR YEARS) for crimes they did NOT commit. Meanwhile the likes of O.J., Robert Blakes, and now Casey Anthony can't buy a murder or manslaughter conviction no matter how much evidence is presented!!!   Like i said. There's something SERIOUSLY wrong with our Criminal Justice System. 
