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GOP heavyweights are holding their nose and reluctantly beginning to coalesce around presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.  But Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus has a message for Romney:  “Not so fast!”

In a recent CNN interview, Priebus said that he and the party at large have not yet made an official endorsement of Romney and would not even consider doing so until after this Tuesday’s primary.  But when asked by CNN correspondent Jessica Yellin why the party needed to wait to endorse, noting that the numbers aren’t exactly favorable to a Gingrich revival, much less a first-time Ron Paul surge, Priebus replied “Out of respect and deference to Congressman Paul and Newt Gingrich.” 

Priebus also declined a proposal to ask the Gingrich and Paul campaigns to step aside for Romney in the interest of party unity. “I don’t think I would ever do that,” he replied, to which Yellin retorted, “Why? You’re the party leader.”

“It’s up to our primary voters to help them and others make the decisions as to whether or not they want to stay in the race or not,” he said, adding that he thought the approach was most respectful to voters who “are tired of folks in Washington telling them what they should do.” 


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Lol. Priebus has been given his orders. The GOP *establishment knows darn well VERY FEW Repub voters are actually excited about Romney. Even more troubling, GOP elites know that a rather sizeable percentage of hard-right *base* voters are absolutely REPULSED by Romney.The establishment succeeded in defeating the *base* for their choice for the nomnination. However, the establishment knows they can't gloat. They've got to APPEAR to the *base* as being "fair and impartial" the RNC will hold off just a little while longer before making its "Official" endorsement of Romney. And the *base* is supposed to be fooled by all this.  What a party…lol…smh.

  2. <span>And on a related note, here's an interesting piece….   Frank Rich: "Sugar Daddies, The old, white, rich men who are buying this election."   If you want to appreciate what Barack Obama is up against in 2012, forget about the front man who is his nominal opponent and look instead at the Republican billionaires buying the ammunition for the battles ahead. A representative example is Harold Simmons, an 80-year-old Texan who dumped some $15 million into the campaign before primary season had ended. Reminiscing about 2008, when he bankrolled an ad blitz to tar the Democrats with the former radical Bill Ayers, Simmons told <span>The Wall Street Journal</span>, “If we had run more ads, we could have killed Obama.” It is not a mistake he intends to make a second time. The $15 million Simmons had spent by late February dwarfs the $2.8 million he allotted to the Ayers takedown and the $3 million he contributed to the Swift Boat Veterans demolition of John Kerry four years before that. Imagine the cash that will flow now that the GOP sideshows are over and the president is firmly in Simmons’s crosshairs. […]   Read:…</span><span> My problem with Rich's piece is this: With the possible exception of Obama's election, exactly WHEN have "old rich White men" NOT bought the Presidential election?!</span>

  3. <span>Right-wingers may NOT be buying the GOP's *fair and impartial* BS this time(?)   ..a Quote for the Day…   "Romney will not and cannot elicit the entuhusiasm necessary to defeat Obama. He is simply another in the long line of accomodationist republicans who have led the party to defeat since Tom Dewey. Conservatives may again "hold their noses" and vote for him, but they will not finance or work up a sweat for him, not because the defeat of Obama is critical to the future of human liberty which it is but because once again the GOP has snubbed the Conservative Movement and frankly Conservatives are tired of it." </span><span></span><span>…Commenter @ The American Spectator blog</span>

  4. LOL Truth you always come up with the right thing to say. You must be surfing the web all day long for these stories. I like this comment though cuz it just says it all. Good one.

  5. Lol. Actually BD it doesn't take all day. There are a few sites I visit on the regular (mostly right-wing AND Conservative blogs) just to keep up with what they're thinking. I usually check out those sites throughout the morning and there is ALWAYS a *gem* to be found among the discussions. 

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