It is officially known as the WHITE HOUSE. In many respects it is actually the “Slaves” House. Tomorrow it will become the Obama’s house.

Constructed in 1792 on land bordered by the slave states of Virginia and Maryland, the initial plan was to import workers from Europe. But with recruitment response low, D.C. commissioners turned to slaves and free negroes to provide labor that built the White House, the U. S. Capitol, and many other early government buildings. They were built on the backs of slaves who worked Virginia’s quarries, dug and transported the stones to Washington, dug the trenches and ditches, and hauled the necessary lumber and other materials.
Over a 70-year period, slaves toiled from dawn to dusk building the temples that represent a nation where “all men are created equal.” Slaves cleared the trees and brush for the Washington Mall and boulevards and never once received a fair day’s pay. But the Irish and German immigrant workers who labored beside them were paid from $4.65 to $10.50 a week and enslavers often received $5 a week for each of their slave’s labors.
Although they were never fairly compensated for the work they put into creating what is known today as The White House, their descendants will surely reap the benefits of pride when they watch the first African-American President Barack Obama officially take residence tomorrow in the house their ancestors created. James Presley, a 78 year old grandson of slaves, said “I’m a church man. And I kind of figured this here is about like it was with Moses with the children of Israel. On that day, when he gets to be president, we’re all going to be rejoicing. I never thought one would get there.” Once a place where it was considered a travesty when African-American Booker T. Washington was invited to dine, will now play host to an African-American family and all their invited guests.
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