Current Events

NPR, Trump, And The ‘Revolution’

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  • I won't delete it. If my stupidity spurns us to READ our Declaration of Independence then I don't mind the comments. Worth the embarrassment.
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No, NPR, Trump, and the Revolution is not the name of a new musical act involving the former backup band to the late artist, Prince.  Instead, it is a comical yet pathetic controversy involving the not-so-bright supporters of Donald Trump.

Current Events
In case you’re unaware, NPR radio has a 30-year history of reciting the Declaration of Independence over its airwaves every Independence Day.  However, this year, the public radio network added a twist to its regular tradition by posting the historic document word for word on Twitter.  Well, that is when the real Fourth of July fireworks began.

The Declaration of Independence

Apparently, an overwhelming contingency of Donald Trump supporters from sea to shining sea spent their years in high school history class fast asleep at their desks — because the intellectually challenged “Trumpies” mistook the 241-year-old declaration as an actual call by NPR to overthrow the Trump-led government!

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures. He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation

Sadly, throngs of people foolishly assumed that the “He” in the NPR tweet was Donald Trump. Of course, the rest of us with a high school diploma recognized the “He” as the former King of Great Britain referenced in the original declaration. Nevertheless, with Trumpies being Trumpies, all hell broke loose.

“So, NPR is calling for revolution,” one user tweeted. “Interesting way to condone the violence while trying to sound ‘patriotic.'”


So, NPR is calling for revolution. Interesting way to condone the violence while trying to sound “patriotic”. Your implications are clear. —

D.G.Davies (@JustEsrafel) July 4, 2017


Another user tweeted that propaganda is all that NPR knows.


*heavy sigh*

— Melissa Martin (@DoubleEmMartin) July 4, 2017


Some users called NPR a “fake news” organization that was playing partisan politics and attacking the president. Others taunted NPR over Trump’s budget proposal to slash endowments for the arts and humanities and called for the station to lose its funding.


Seriously, this is the dumbest idea I have ever seen on twitter. Literally no one is going to read 5000 tweets about this trash.  

— Darren Mills (@darren_mills) July 4, 2017


Later, several people facetiously made donations to NPR in his name.

Current Events
NPRTo set the record straight, the Declaration of Independence was originally written by Thomas Jefferson and was adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, as a means to separate from the Kingdom of Britain and form an independent union.  It was never a partisan document and its words were not some partisan stunt concocted by NPR.

By Wednesday morning, Trump supporters gradually came to realize the ignorance of their assumptions and that NPR was not calling for an overthrow of the Trump government.  In response, most deleted their comments and/or Twitter accounts altogether and ran to hide under a rock.

However, one Trumpie interestingly chose to leave his tweet posted and even offered an apology.

“I won’t delete it. If my stupidity spurns us to READ our Declaration of Independence then I don’t mind the comments. Worth the embarrassment” wrote D.G.Davies.


OK WASSUP! covers current events:
Trump supporters erroneously assume
NPR wants to overthrow Trump.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. By Wednesday morning, Trump supporters gradually came to realize the ignorance of their assumptions and that NPR was not calling for an overthrow of the Trump government. In response, most deleted their comments and/or Twitter accounts altogether and ran to hide under a rock. […]

    DJ, there you go again being the gentleman that you are.

    We know that Trump supporters didn't "realize the ignorance of their assumptions." Poor things, they were *shamed* into that realization by lots of people, who did pay attention in History class, and called OUT Trump supporters for their obvious ignorance.

    I mean…you cannot make this stuff up. There is NO question about it, there is sizable chunk of the American electorate that is so intellectually "deficient" that it is quite disturbing and frankly problematic for Our country.

    And even more problematic for Us is the fact that THAT deficiency doesn't just apply to a percentage of the American electorate..but also to many, if not most, of the elected officials serving in the highest levels of Our government beginning with the most obvious person….the so-called President of the United States. Donald J. Trump.

    Our reputation around the world is taking a real-beating right now and deservedly so. It's just so embarrassing.

  2. LOL Truth got it right, you can't make this stuff up. These people are so scared for their boy Trump they can't tell the difference between the Declaration of Independence and somebody out to get him. It is also true these fools didn't wake up and realize they were wrong. They are too stupid for that. They got embarrassed so bad on Twitter that all they could do is go run under a rock. I'm not surprised they shut down their Twitter account over this foolishness because now they look like the idiots they are.

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