NRA President Tricked Into Phony Graduation

Apparently, it doesn’t take much to dupe an ex-NRA president and a gun-rights activist into making complete fools of themselves.
Current Events
Former NRA president David Keene was invited to deliver the commencement address to the 2021 graduating class of the James Madison Academy in Nevada. The only problem? The James Madison Academy doesn’t exist!
So, when Keene and gun rights activist John Lott showed up to a parking lot filled with thousands of empty chairs, they delivered their commencement remarks to the empty arena after being told it was merely a rehearsal that was being filmed. Instead, the event was staged by Change the Ref, an organization founded by Manuel and Patricia Oliver, whose son Joaquin was killed in 2018 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. Their mission was to hold a fake high school graduation for “The Lost Class” of students — or, the estimated 3,044 kids who would have graduated high school this year but were instead killed by gun violence — then trick Keene and Lott into spouting their gun jibberish to the visual of the empty crowd.
Neither Keene nor Lott realized it was a setup — until Change the Ref released their video earlier this week and the 2 men finally saw themselves discussing the merits of gun rights to the empty chairs representing the now-deceased students.
Needless to say, the former NRA president was not amused.
Check out the official video of the speeches below and allow yourself to revel in the crowning of fools.
Wow! Wow! Wow! All 3 videos are absolutely gut wrenching AND so very much needed.
I had never heard of “Change the Ref” and this project until now. Incredible!
Thank you DJ for sharing this with us.
I too will share it with others.
Youtube commenter:
It’s the perfect metaphor. A former NRA President giving a commencement address, totally unaware that he’s giving it to a graveyard of dead children. […]
Youtube commenter:
Hearing the speech intermixed with the calls is enough to make my stomach drop. But I got such a cold, heartsick feeling as they kept panning out to more and more and more empty chairs. so many. too many.
Wow. Well done. […]
This is too good. Sweet revenge.