Comments on: NRA Video Encourages Full-On Civil War News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Thu, 13 Jul 2017 09:33:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Fri, 07 Jul 2017 13:33:02 +0000 Yes. This NRA video is a blatant attempt by their mucked-up leadership to "Encourage" a full-blown Civil War.

And frankly that was my immediate thought when I first heard about this video..and the Uproar in response to it…the other day.

It's pure extremist right-wing BS wrapped in White Supremacist propaganda. But I also SEE something else in it. Fear and Desperation by a dying breed in America and their dying cause.

Despite all of the really evil isht unleashed within Our country by Trump and his "birther" minions – since the beginning of Pres. Obama's presidency – White Supremacists have NOT found *it* to be as easy as they'd thought it would be – "it" being Unifying the majority of White Americans against ALL "Others." This became quite evident to me during the 8 yrs of Obama's presidency.

Every time right-wing carnival-barkers like Limbaugh and Hannity tried to stoke up major marches on D.C. in protest to Pres. Obama's presidency (always under the guise of some totally made-up BS reason) their sinister efforts Failed. And they failed big time.

Now….do WE (as a nation and civilized society) still have to contend with the fact that there is still a sizable population of White Supremacists roaming about in America, stirring up hatred and division..and even calling for "Civil War" in America?

Sadly the answer is….Yes.

But are there enough White Americans willing to follow such Hate-mongering nihilists off a cliff, and thereby ensure the destruction of Our great country?

No. I don't think so.
