Don’t look now, but Donald Trump has issued another executive order that craps all over the US constitution.
During a makeshift press conference at his New Jersey golf resort on Saturday, Donald Trump once again donned his King’s crown and acted as if he were a monarch by signing an executive order that he claimed was in the best interest of the American people. In addition to a freeze in student loan payments and evictions, the executive order deferred payroll taxes and extended unemployment benefits in a move that gave credence to the old adage: Everything that looks good to you is not always good for you.
Here’s why Trump’s executive order press conference was nothing more than a three-ring circus sideshow:
- The legislative branch of government (Congress) controls the allocation of US funds and NOT the executive branch (White House).
- Democrats and Republicans in Congress have spent several days negotiating financial assistance for those unemployed Americans still affected by lack of work due to COVID-19. Trump’s act on Saturday was a mere attempt to circumvent that process.
- Trump’s offer to defer taking taxes out of employee paychecks was meaningless since most Americans are currently unemployed and not receiving a paycheck. Also, his offer to provide $400 per week in additional unemployment funds (down from the recently expired $600 per week) was actually a $300 offer from the federal government with a mandate for states to kick in the extra $100. Since most states are already capped out from the extremely high unemployment numbers, Trump’s presentation was again meaningless.
“If Democrats continue to hold this critical relief hostage I will act under my authority as president to get Americans the relief they need,” Trump boasted before signing his order. “This is the money they want. And this gives them a great incentive to go back to work so this is much more than what was originally agreed. The 600 was a number that was there and as you know, there was, there was difficulty with the 600 number because it really was a disincentive.”

With Trump’s re-election hopes in the toilet, his executive order press conference was nothing more than a cheap street theater attempt to fool Americans into believing he was doing work to help ease their pain. He was not.
Democrats originally proposed the HERO’S act, which would cost $3.4 trillion, while Republicans were only willing to spend $1 trillion. On Friday, Democrats agreed to meet in the middle and to drop their plan to $2 trillion, however, they insisted that the recent $600 supplemental unemployment payment be reinstated through the end of the year. Republicans and Trump are under the impression that the extra $600 incentivizes Americans not to return to work, even though most Americans are not refusing to work but are unable to work due to their workplaces remaining shut down.
Following King Trump’s decree, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer issued this statement:
“Today’s meager announcements by the president show President Trump still does not comprehend the seriousness or the urgency of the health and economic crises facing working families. We’re disappointed that instead of putting in the work to solve Americans’ problems, the president instead chose to stay on his luxury golf course to announce unworkable, weak and narrow policy announcements to slash the unemployment benefits that millions desperately need and endanger seniors’ Social Security and Medicare. These policy announcements provide little real help to families. For instance, not only does the president’s announcement not actually extend the eviction moratorium, it provides no assistance to help pay the rent, which will only leave desperate families to watch their debt pile higher. Instead of passing a bill, now President Trump is cutting families’ unemployment benefits and pushing states further into budget crises, forcing them to make devastating cuts to life-or-death services.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer will fight the legalities of Trump’s anti-constitution executive order and will return to the negotiating table on Monday to find a way to get unemployed Americans the financial benefits they need.
Don’t look now, but Donald Trump has issued another executive order that craps all over the US constitution. With Trump’s re-election hopes in the toilet, his executive order press conference was nothing more than a cheap street theater attempt to fool Americans into believing he was doing work to help ease their pain. He was not. […] – DJ
These policy announcements provide little real help to families. For instance, not only does the president’s announcement NOT actually extend the eviction moratorium, it provides NO assistance to help pay the rent, which will only leave desperate families to watch their debt pile higher. […] – Nancy Pelosi.
DJ, your post and Pelosi’s statement sums it all up pretty well.
Everything about Trump’s revertible sh*tshow is theater. That’s all that he knows to do.
And once again not only has “the king” shown himself, to have NO clothes. He stands before the entire nation and the world, absolutely naked and grotesque.
I agree with everything already said. Trump acted out a circus sideshow to try and make himself look good. But everybody saw through it right away. He is going to try a lot of stunts like this all the way up to the election.