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NYC Cop Killing Raises Racial Tensions

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December 22, 2014

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The ambush style murder of 2 NYC police officers over the weekend has raised racial tensions and deepened the divide between cops and the community.

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Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were sitting inside their patrol car last Saturday in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, when Ismaaiyl Brinsley approached the vehicle and simply opened fire, striking both officers in the head. Brinsley then fled to a nearby subway station and killed himself.  Both police officers later died.

top news today police brutality
NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu

Earlier in the day, the 28-year-old Brinsley shot his girlfriend in Baltimore.  According to relatives, he suffered from mental problems and had been isolated from his family. Brinsley then posted a cryptic message on social media that he intended to travel to New York to avenge the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.

top news today police brutality
Ismaaiyl Brinsley

“I’m Putting Wings on Pigs Today,” a person believed to be Brinsley wrote on Instagram. “They Take 1 Of Ours . . . Let’s Take 2 of Theirs.  #RIPEric Garner  #RIPMike Brown.”  The post ended with, “This May Be My Final Post. I’m putting pigs in a blanket.”  A few hours later, his words all came to fruition.

For weeks, racial tensions and mistrust between cops and the communities they’re hired to serve have been boiling over throughout the country.  The deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO and of Eric Garner in Staten Island, NY prompted global protests, marches and “die-in’s” by citizens who had reached a breaking point and wanted to make it clear: enough is enough!

Top News Today
The media was quick to report that the cop killings were in retaliation of the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.  The NYPD even reacted to the killings by turning their backs on NY Mayor Bill de Blasio when he arrived at the hospital where the 2 policemen were taken.  NYPD officers believe the mayor seemed to side more with protesters in recent weeks, instead of the officers under his command.

However, for those who were quick to reach judgment, Brinsley’s murdering spree doesn’t appear related to the Brown/Garner deaths or the protests of recent weeks at all.  Brinsley was from Baltimore, which was unrelated to any of the recent killings of black men by cops.  Brinsley shot his girlfriend earlier the same day, which was also totally unrelated.  He then traveled to NYC and shot 1 Asian and 1 Hispanic police officer.  Had his murder spree been a racial retaliation, the officers killed likely would have been white.

So, for all those who wish to connect the cop murders with the deaths of Michael Brown or Eric Garner, there really doesn’t appear to be a legitimate connection.  This man was not a patriot taking a stand against the killing of African-American males.  No!  He was just a crazed madman who decided to shoot his girlfriend then shoot 2 innocent police officers before killing himself.

Let’s be careful not to make it more than it was.

OK WASSUP! tracks the top news today, including the murder of 
2 police officers in NYC, supposedly as retaliation for the 
Michael Brown and Eric Garner killings by police.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Could not AGREE with you more DJ.

    From: "The media was quick to report that the cop killings were in retaliation of the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. " To: "Let's be careful not to make it more than it was."

    Your entire conclusion is absolutely On. Point.

  2. You are right DJ people have to be careful about making more of this. This was a crazy man who killed these cops and not somebody in the movement for Eric Gardner. But tension is real high with everybody now and that makes things dangerous. Cops have been misusing their power for so long they have a whole lot of people hating cops now. So I'm sure there are some people out there who want to bring harm. Now the police departments are telling cops to let up some but these cops are also scared for their life after this shooting. Bad cops planted these seeds and now their growing. I wouldn't be surprised to see more violence from the people and from the cops.

  3. "Bad cops planted these seeds and now their growing. I wouldn't be surprised to see more violence from the people and from the cops. "

    Sad. But so true, BD. So true…smh.

  4. Hey Keith I was just about to post on this. Repubs are fanning the flames and stirring things up. Now the New York police union is saying their at war and the protests were the cause of all this. Things are getting crazy.

  5. The key, for the general public, is to NOT allow ourselves to be played by police unions, politicians, OR the media.

    Easier said then done (I know) because sadly the majority of Americans are so easily played.

    But we shall see.

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