Comments on: “O”-PRESSION: Blacks vs Obama News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:59:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Johnny Mon, 11 Jan 2010 05:07:36 +0000 In your post, you mentioned that the Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. was "p—-d" at Obama.DJ, let me ask you this.— What has Jesse Jackson Sr. done for african Americans (For the african American "masses")??And how effective / how successful has the african American "Civil Rights Movement" been from April, 1968 (When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. got "neutralized") till now?? What has the african American "Civil Rights Movement" accomplished from 1968 till now??From 1968 till now, this is what the african American "Civil Rights Movement" has been / has comprised of.— Leftwing african American "leaders" (Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr., Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Randall Robinson, Charles Barron, Quannel X & Malik Shabazz) who use / exploit "their people" (african American "masses") for their own personal profit / gain.And if these leftwing african American "leaders" couldn't / wouldn't be able to derive "profits" off of using / exploiting "their people" (african American "masses"), they wouldn't give their people the time of day.

By: Johnny Mon, 11 Jan 2010 05:06:34 +0000 Prior to the November, 2008 election, democrat Obama & the top / major democrats in the House & Senate made several promises.But, up to this date, they have TOTALLY reneged on many areas. And they have done the COMPLETE & TOTAL opposite. And here are the areas.—-1. Democrat Obama & the democrats in the House & Senate have given the largest military budget in history.2. Democrat Obama & the democrats in the House & Senate have escalated American troop levels in Afghanistan as well as in Iraq. Furthermore, they have escalated American advisers in Pakistan, Somalia, Eritrea & Ethiopia.3. Democrat Obama & the democrats in the House & Senate have further militarized the contient of Africa. And especially the nations of sub-saharan Africa (Aka/ala — "Black Africa").4. Democrat Obama & the democrats in the House & Senate have greatly expanded U.S. bases, greatly increased U.S. military aid & U.S. military advisers to Mexico, to the nations of Central America, to the nations of South America & to the nations of the Caribbean basin.So, democrat Obama, as well as all of the major / top democrats in the House & Senate have done a TOTAL "flip flop" in regards to what they said that they were going to do.

By: Johnny Mon, 11 Jan 2010 05:05:42 +0000 I totally see everything which you said, as well as what that link said. But, african Americans SHOULDN'T be shocked nor disappointed in Obama.Now, Obama was elected president "fair & square". And I wasn't shocked nor surprised at all that Obama was elected president. And this is why.—- Obama had 2 critical factors going for him.— 1. The "fallout" from Iraq. 2. The Subprime Crisis occurring RIGHT before the election.For one — The costs of Iraq.— Our dead, our wounded & the financial costs — At least $10 billion per month in Iraq alone.For 2.— The Subprime Crisis occurring right before the election greatly helped Obama (And democrats in the House & Senate &/or democrats running for a House &/or Senate seat) because the Republicans got blamed for the Subprime Crisis.Before the election, many african Americans looked at Obama as being some sort of a "messiah type" figure.But, many / most african Americans were VERY shocked & VERY disappointed in Obama when he did these 2 things.—1. Obama giving the bailouts to the banks, businesses / corporations.2. Obama not sending a U.S. governmental delegation to the "World Conference Against Racism" which was held in South Africa back in April, 2009.Many leftwing african American grassroots organizations traveled to South Africa for this "Conference Against Racism". However though, Obama didn't send ANY U.S. governmental delegation. And subsequently, many / most african Americans were VERY shocked & VERY disappointed in Obama for not doing this.But, african Americans SHOULDN'T be shocked nor disappointed. And this is why.—- Obama can ONLY do certain things. And even MORE so, Obama will ONLY be "allowed" to do certain things.

By: James Alexander Sat, 09 Jan 2010 18:30:34 +0000 Exactly….I don't even want to get started on Jesse…He's still hatin' because HE couldn't even get close to the presidency!! He would be IN THE WAY if he was assigned to ANY position in the White HOUSE. President Obama knows EXACTLY what he's doing. Jesse has proven himself to be totally USELESS!!He seemed to have lost his way over the years…He's still useful but NOT IN THE WHITE HOUSE.DJ, truer words have NEVER been spoken!!

By: BD Thu, 07 Jan 2010 16:19:35 +0000 THANK YOU!!!!! DJ you spoke the truth and took the words right out my mouth.
