Current Events
Calling the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico “the worst environmental disaster America has ever faced,” President Obama took to the airwaves Tuesday night in a prime-time address from the Oval Office, with one very clear message: the oil will be cleaned up and the Gulf’s ecology restored, and oil company BP will compensate victims fully.
“We will fight this spill with everything we’ve got for as long it takes,” Mr. Obama said. “We will make BP pay for the damage their company has caused. And we will do whatever’s necessary to help the Gulf Coast and its people recover from this tragedy.”
President Obama also urged Americans to “tackle our addiction to fossil fuels,” prevailing upon Congress to pass a comprehensive bill that would embrace alternative sources of energy. He especially made clear that he will not tolerate inaction.
The President (and his staff) KNOWS that in the world of politics _and in particular_ during a time of great “Crises”, “Perception IS Reality.” By most credible accounts, from the beginning of this Crises, Obama HAS been “engaged” in trying to get it quickly resolved_but ”BEHIND the scene,” which is his “usual” way of handling most issues. The man does NOT play to the media. However: WORD to the President.Most Americans NEED to SEE YOU LEAD in times like these. Allowing the so-called “liberal” media to write the narrative FOR WEEKS while BP runs “GAME” on You and Us FOR WEEKS was NOT smart. It was STUPID! And the President is NOT a stupid man. It does NOW appear that he gets “IT” and is VISIBLY taking the lead. His speech last night:Though nationally televised, his target audience was the residents of the Gulf region NOT idiot pundits, disingenuous hacks, and hysterical “progressives” (who btw, are the biggest bunch of CRYBABIES I’ve ever seen).I watched the speech. And I watched about 20 minutes of Joe Scarborough this morning expecting Scarborough “and friends” to be on the critics bandwagon crying that Obama “wasn’t specific enough” in his speech.BTW: I don’t blame him for NOT being too “specific” only to have the babblers pick it apart Ad Nauseam. Like I said, the man ain't stupid. He’s IN CHARGE now and in the coming days and weeks we shall see if HIS plan gets the job done_period. Back to Scarborough: Surprisingly, Joe et al gave the President "Props"_and further, Scarborough stated that most of the “conservatives” he’s spoken to in the Gulf region are giving the President Props for ALL of the effort he’s demonstrated the past 2 weeks in trying to resolve this crisis as quickly as possible. IF indeed _when this crisis ends_THAT is the general feeling/opinion among most Americans residing in the Gulf region _then Obama’s Presidency will be fine_PERHAPS even stronger(?!) Time will tell…..