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As Republicans fight amongst themselves, sling accusations and self-destruct for a variety of reasons in their quest for the presidency, President Barack Obama is coasting unopposed with some rather pleasant news — his approval rating is on the rise.

Mr. Obama has been polling at or below 40% for the past several weeks.  But according to the national Gallup Poll, Mr. Obama’s rating has risen over the past week to 47% approval and appears to be on the rise.

The White House believes his proposed new jobs bill as well as more pleasant news regarding the economy is responsible for the increase.  But Mr. Obama’s recent foreign policy success in Libya, as well as Republicans dueling it out in a heated primary race and recent troubles from Herman Cain and Rick Perry, may have quite a bit to do with voters taking a 2nd look at the Obama presidency.

According to the recent poll, if the election were held today President Obama would beat every single current Republican candidate.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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