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It’s election season again — and with a black man in the White House, that means a rebirth of the “birther” movement.

President Obama was born in the U.S. State of Hawaii in 1961. His official birth certificate has proven it and even the doctor who delivered him has confirmed it.  But that still hasn’t stopped a crazed contingency of Americans who INSIST the president is a Muslim (as if that’s a bad thing) who was not born in America and is therefore ineligible for the presidency.

From Donald Trump to the Arizona Secretary of State, there are people who simply refuse to ever be convinced the president is legitimately an American born citizen.  These are people who still won’t come to grips with the fact that Mr. Obama won the 2008 election fair and square and has been the Commander-in-Chief for nearly 4 years now.  Yet they are still attempting to do everything in their power to redo history.  But this resurgence of the birthers may actually be a blessing in disguise for Democrats, who could possibly tie these nonbelievers to Mitt Romney, which would be just fine with the White House.

The birther controversy reignited recently when Arizona’s Secretary of State Ken Bennett bent to demands by reality TV host Donald Trump and insisted Hawaii prove Mr. Obama’s citizenship — or else they would keep him off the Arizona ballot.  A key detail: Bennett is the co-chairman of Romney’s campaign in Arizona.

Hawaii authenticated the birth certificate as real, forcing Bennett to declare the matter closed.  However, no one sought to authenticate Mitt Romney’s birth certificate prior to putting him on the ballot, which proved this was merely about political tomfoolery. When asked why Romney was not also being investigated, Matt Roberts, a spokesman for Bennett said “Right now, we are determining whether or not that’s necessary, and it’s under consideration.” Hmmm…

Democrats have already started fighting back against the birther movement, blaming Mitt Romney, the current leader of the Republican Party, for allowing it to flourish.  His decision to meet with, fundraise with and campaign with Donald Trump has been viewed negatively by liberals and conservatives alike.

“Once again Mitt Romney is failing the moral leadership test,” Democratic National Committee spokeswoman Melanie Roussell said in a statement. “Instead of rejecting Donald Trump’s ‘birther’ conspiracy theories and divisive attacks, he’s endorsing them by campaigning and fundraising with him. Romney has shown time and again that he’s not ready to have his John McCain 2008 type moment by speaking out against these types of attacks against the President. This type of false and extremely divisive rhetoric has no place in the political discourse of our country and Mitt Romney should stand up against it instead of standing with Donald Trump to raise money for his campaign.”

Conservative ABC commentator George Will of “ABC This Week” also chimed in, calling Donald Trump a “Bloviating Ignoramus” who Romney should never be seen with.

Will the birther movement combined with his attachment to the hip of Donald Trump help or hurt Mitt Romney?




DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. This has always bothered me because it's just racism. No way around trying to hide it. Now Donald Trump is back being the clown that he is looking for attention and Romney is giving it to him. Anybody who still thinks Obama wasn't born here is just a ignorant racist.Your pic about we want our country back was right on point DJ. This is ridiculous.

  2. Co-sign with BD on all points.Btw: I don't believe these 2 clowns (Trump and Romney) are "birthers" They know the President was born in America. They're shameless right-wing panderers and opportunists, which sadly makes Romney an all too typical politician. And if that "I Want My America Back" pic doesn't speak volumes about the "birther" crowd I don't know what does!?! 

  3. i think your right truthiz trump is just stirring up trouble to get attention. also that picture is crazy. too bad so many people really think like that when they say they want the country back.

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