Comments on: Obama Cabinet Shaping Up News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:54:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthizz Thu, 07 Mar 2013 14:07:54 +0000 With the exception of Chuck Hagel, I can't say that I'm familiar with any of the other nominees.

Re: Hagel's confirmation

I can say that PERHAPS in time, it will be seen as (finally) the beginning of the end of the utterly disastrous influence AIPAC has had over our middle east foreign policies ( via zionist and neocon politicians) for far too many DECADES. And it has costs Us dearly.

That entire evil-azz bunch did everything they could to derail Hagel's confirmation and they had no shame about it. Normally their disgusting tactics pay off ..they get the American *puppet* of their choice. But NOT this time.

This time we have a President who stood firm and didn't back down. And I couldn't be happier with the outcome.
