Comments on: OBAMA CHECKLIST News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Thu, 26 Jan 2012 21:00:06 +0000 LOL! Hey DJ just go ahead and charge me rent for space because from now until November I'm going to be spening a bit more time Good thing I'm practically my own boss 😉 !Erick Erickson at RedState"[A]t some point you just have to stand back, take a sip of bourbon, and sigh 'Damn' under your breath as you behold the carnage being wrought within the Republican Party." H/T: The DishThere's ANOTHER debate tonight. I won't be watching it but I'll certainly check out the reax afterwards.

By: Truthiz Thu, 26 Jan 2012 18:10:05 +0000 I actually meant to post this quote yesterday afternoon…"Let's just say right now what voters will be saying in November, once Barack Obama has been re-elected: Republicans deserve to lose,"  – Bret Stephens, WSJ WSJ: "The GOP Deserves To Lose"Read: Expect the MEDIA to do just what it did 4 yrs ago, in cahoots with their partners in HYPE (endless and mostly meaningLESS polls). They will present this thing as a horse-race "right-down to the wire" between the President and whoever LIMPS to the GOP nomination.Four yrs ago, Obama won by over 10 MILLION votes.And though, the President shouldn't assume his re-election is in the bag (anything could happen between now and November), I believe he stands a real good chance of being re-elected, and by a decent margin. 

By: pat Thu, 26 Jan 2012 17:02:10 +0000 they don't want nobody knowing the truth. they want this info kept quiet long as possible.

By: Truthiz Thu, 26 Jan 2012 16:28:38 +0000 <span><span>Oh now see DJ…there you go posting inconvenient TRUTHS_aka FACTS_</span><span>in the face </span><span>of a Republican party </span><span>H*ll bent on trying to *whitewash* the past and destroy the </span>Black man in the White House.</span><span></span><span><span>I mean look. </span>Did you NOT get the memo?!…lol</span><span></span><span>"<span>Obambi is out to destroy America". </span><span>His presidency has been a "</span><span>total disaster". He's </span><span>in "way over </span><span>his head and has </span><span>made things </span><span>a whole lote worse." </span><span>H*ll. if re-elected "Real-Americans" can kiss this country good-bye. </span></span><span>We.Must.Stop.Him. NOBODY'S SAFE!</span><span></span><span>If only Reagan_that staunch defender of "small government, FREE-market, trickle-down economics and fiscal Conservatism could be here. Oh Happy Days…HAPPY DAYS! would be here again. <rolling></rolling></span><span></span><span>Seriously. The graphs really put into perspective the GOP's nonstop LIES, myths, and fairytales doesn't it?</span><span></span><span>As BD said, "More people need to see this list and debt chart."</span><span></span><span>Not suprising that the TWO men most repsonsible for the worse damage done to this country over the past 30 years are Reagan and G. Dubya. And yet Repubs keep TRYING to pretend that they don't know their so-called *leaders*, their sorry-azz policies and destructive politics have nearly led this country to complete ruin!?! PULeeeze.</span><span></span><span>Mark my words. THEY.KNOW.</span>

By: BD Thu, 26 Jan 2012 13:54:50 +0000 Good list. I saw it on Facebook yesterday but the chart about who raised the debt more is very interesting. A lot of people forget Obama was handed this mess by Bush. Repubs want to forget all about what Bush did to this country and just place all the blame on Obama. More people need to see this list and debt chart.
