Comments on: THE OBAMA DOCTRINE News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:57:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 30 Mar 2011 15:30:05 +0000 I don't know (?) The "Obama Doctrine" is beginning to sound/look a lot the "Bush Doctrine" MINUS G. Dubya's LYING about Iraq's supposed WMDs:When "faced with the prospects of violence on a horrific scale" the U.S. must act boldly to prevent it, EVEN in cases where there is NO immediate domestic threat. […]I could be wrong? (and time will certainly tell)….But Pres. Obama seems to be (at least in my eyes) an *I said one thing as candidate and now I'm saying something different as President* kind of politician which makes him typical, in that sense, and therefore NOT the least bit an agent of real *Change.*  Nonetheless, the President demonstrates a seriousness about governing, while the Repubs continue to show nothing but contempt for governing, GOVERNMENT, and intelligent and rational thinking. One need only catch a glimpse of the (**inhaling**)…reckless, egomaniacal, spotlight-chasing FOOLS, hucksters, shape-shifters, CRAZIES and wanna-bees (**exhaling**)…on full display as potential Presidentail candidates to know that the GOP thinks that being "President" is a joke! Which, IMO, makes the GOP a joke.    
