Comments on: OBAMA FACES THE MUSIC News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:57:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Thu, 04 Nov 2010 16:49:40 +0000 I'm telling you BD, i'm at a lost as to WHY he still doesn't seem to get it!?!He's got to FOGET.ABOUT.THE.REPUBS. and move on to addressing THE.ECONOMY.I'm sorry BD. I'm not hollering at you. My furstration is directed at Obama! He's never been a "fire in the belly" politician (which has always worried me). But My Lord. The man's level of DENIAL and/or incompetence is mind-boggling to say the least__smh.   

By: BD Thu, 04 Nov 2010 13:42:28 +0000 I voted for President Obama. I hate to admit it, but I don't think he gets it. From that news conference it seems like he thinks he did a lot but nobody sees it but him. Just fix the economy and make it look like your zoned in on nothing but that. Then you can pass whatever other programs you want because everybody will love you again. But like you said Truth if he doesn't get it soon he's gonna be a one term president.

By: Truthiz Thu, 04 Nov 2010 11:49:07 +0000 (Sigh)…If the President still doesn't understand that "IT'S.THE.ECONOMY.STUPID."…then I don't know what to say???The "shellacking" IMO, was NOT about failing to "get alon" with Repubs. In fact, Pres. Obama wasted way too much time trying to do JUST THAT…"get along" with Repubs. When, after a certain Time, it should have become clear to him that the Repubs had ZERO interest in trying to "get long" and work with him for the good of "The People" because the Repub base HATES the President. Period.  IF the President had spent most of his first 2yrs in office focused on a real JOBS creation plan, had he fought tooth and nail VERY PUBLICLY to help the poor and working middle-class in this country, the majority of American voters would have continued to "have his back" AGAINST the Repubs. Nobody but the conservative base and a few other Haters would have paid Repub candidates any mind!But he failed to do THAT. And if he doesn't get THAT..if he doesn't get to work on THAT_and QUICK_he will be a ONE-term President.   
