Comments on: OBAMA FILM ACCENTUATES POSITIVES News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 20 Mar 2012 14:17:01 +0000 <span>"Hey Truth I think the objective they were going for is so everybody remembers who caused this financial mess we're still in (Bush)." </span>I agree with you BD."That way Obama doesn't have to come out and say it himself."But THAT's exactly what I think he needs to do. He needs to get out there really make the case HIMSELF. The Repubs hate the President and they're going ALL OUT to discredit him. The President has a story to tell so (in the words of my loving grandmother-now deceased) the President should "TELL IT." The man is a smart and articulate communicator and a savvy politician to boot. This documentary is great. But I think it should be used as the complimentary ICING on a good cake. NOT the cake. 

By: BD Mon, 19 Mar 2012 20:34:26 +0000 Hey Truth I think the objective they were going for is so everybody remembers who caused this financial mess we're still in (Bush). That way Obama doesn't have to come out and say it himself. I think this film is amazing. Something tells me they have more surprises coming

By: Truthiz Mon, 19 Mar 2012 12:36:33 +0000 You're right DJ, this documentary is well done.But here's my problem with it. The President and his campaign staff seem to be depending on this documentary to tell his story at a time when most Americans could care less about watching any documentary. Too many people are still facing REAl-life, day-to-day struggles of every kind (unemployed, underemployed, uninsured, broke, about to lose ther homes, bad health, etc) IMO, the President should make the case to the American people HIMSELF. Go on tv, talk to Us and remind us of ALL that he faced when he was elected. Get out into the country (inner-cities, suburbs and areas). Talk to Us. Tell us of how far wev've come under HIS leadership and how far we've yet to go. Make the case FOR HIMSELF. Then_and ONLY then_should he use this well done documentary to compliment the case he has spent months discussing IN DETAIL with the American people, up close and personal…FOR.HIMSELF. 
