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18 months ago, Democratic Lt. Gov. David Paterson became Governor of New York by default, after scandal forced then Gov. Elliot Spitzer to resign.  Since you can count the number of black governor’s on one hand, his instant rise to power alongside that of then presidential candidate Barack Obama was heralded as a shining moment for African-Americans.  President Obama went on to record setting approval numbers and widespread support, while Gov. Paterson found himself mired in a series of political missteps, rapidly declining approval numbers, and lackluster support from even members of his own party.  Now the popular Democratic and African-American President finds himself in the very delicate position of having to ask the unpopular Democratic and African-American Governor NOT to run for re-election.

Among Democratic Party circles, it’s no secret top party officials are extremely concerned about Paterson and his dwindling chances of winning re-election, particularly against the powerful and likely GOP candidacy of Rudy Giuliani.  A Marist College poll conducted last week found that only 20 percent of New York voters approve of Paterson’s performance as governor, which is only slightly lower than his 21 percent approval rating in June. Only 24 percent of Democrats believe he is doing well, while 70 percent of voters say Paterson isn’t a viable candidate for 2010, including 65 percent of Democrats.  Those are horrendous numbers for anyone seeking a serious bid for political office and the White House has taken note while New York Republicans salivate at the possibilities.  In contrast, former Clinton administration HUD Secretary and current NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo  (son of former NY Gov. Mario Cuomo), has an approval rating of 69 percent. 67 percent of New Yorkers believe he should run for Governor, including 77 percent of Democrats.  Those are obviously much better numbers to match up against Giuliani or any other GOP contender.

Naturally, Democrats would very much like to hold onto the Governor’s Mansion, and state leaders from the NY House and Senate to Sen. Chuck Schumer to the Rev. Al Sharpton believe Paterson should step aside for the sake of the party.  But Paterson is said to be scoffing at calls for him to throw in the towel, reportedly causing the White House to consider offering him an administration job just as a consolation prize not to run.  NY State Sen. and frequent Paterson critic Ruben Diaz Sr. (D-Bronx), welcomed the White House’s intervention, saying “I deeply appreciate President Barack Obama’s concern for the future of the New York Democratic Party and the importance of maintaining a Democrat for governor.”  Even Republican Rep. Peter King agreed it makes sense for Obama to nudge the unpopular Paterson out of the race, especially with Andrew Cuomo anxiously waiting in the wings.  “The last thing the national Democratic Party wants to do is lose the governor’s office in New York,” King said. “The thought of (former GOP presidential candidate and NY Mayor) Rudy Giuliani becoming the governor of New York would drive Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama crazy.”

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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As a Black American, I'd love to see more people of color in positons of REAL political authority BUT those positions should be EARNED.It appears that Paterson has FAILED to make the most of the opportunity he was given when Spitzer was forced to resign. Pres. "O" is a REALIST, a Master politician and the leader of the Democratic Party. Paterson is blind but even he ain't THAT blind! Nor is he stupid. If polls are accurate(?) he's pissed away his opportunity to be elected Governor on his own merits. For the sake of his party, he should step aside and let someone with a better chance of winning carry the ball.

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