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President Obama is likely smiling today, after 3 separate polls show he is receiving a bounce from last week’s Democratic National Convention.
In 3 daily tracking polls since the convention ended in Charlotte last Thursday, the president’s lead over Republican challenger Mitt Romney has noticeably expanded.
The Gallup tracking poll has Mr. Obama up 49%-45%.
Reuters/Ipsos poll lists the president with a 47%-43% lead.
The Scott Rasmussen poll has Mr. Obama ahead of Romney, 46%-44%.
“The bump is actually happening. I know there was some debate whether it would happen, but it’s here,” said Ipsos pollster Julia Clark.
By contrast, Mitt Romney did not receive a bounce from his convention.
Notwithstanding my dismissal of polls in general….I don't see how anyone_being of sound mind, reasonable intelligence and a sense of fairness_who has paid even the slightest bit of attention to the Repubs couldn't come to the conclusion that Romney and the Repubs have absolutely NOTHING good to offer this country!?!They've got NOTHING. and they know they've got NOTHING. Btw: Adding to the PANICK already underway in Right-wing world, the Repub *base* is also spazzing this morning over Romney's comments yesterday on MTP (I believe) admitting that he actually likes parts of "Obamacare" and plans to keep those parts.Lol @ Romney. Too funny..smh. FR: "Romney: I'll Keep Parts of Obamacare"http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2928787/…DU: "Oh hilarity… at FR…Romney: I'll Keep Parts of Obamacare" http://www.democraticunderground.com/10021309804
Let the church say amen.