Current Events

Obama Girls Growing Up In The White House

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Obama Girls
The Obama Girls

Current Events –
Obama Girls Growing Up
In The White House

Malia and Sasha Obama were 10- and 7-years old when their father became President of the United States. Now, as the first African-American First Family prepares to leave the White House, it’s hard to believe The Obama Girls are all grown up.

Current Events
Malia Ann Obama was born July 4, 1998, and Natasha (known as “Sasha”) Obama was born June 10, 2001. While Malia is preparing to begin her first year at Harvard, Sasha is finishing high school in Washington (Interestingly, Sasha is the youngest child to reside in the White House since John F. Kennedy Jr. in 1961).

Malia and Sasha Obama – Then and Now


Aside from The Obama Girls being named two of “The 25 Most Influential Teens of 2014” by Time magazine, little has been known about them during their young years in Washington. However, President Obama recently lifted the veil with a televised special on his Obama Girls.

In an exclusive interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, President Obama opened up about his daughters’ experience growing up in the White House, saying he and Michelle had been concerned, “mostly about whether they’d develop an attitude.”  Nevertheless, the president was happy to report: “All I can say is they have turned out to be terrific young women.”

“They are sweet, kind, funny, smart, respectful people, and they treat everybody with respect,” Mr. Obama said. “You know, we feel pretty good when … they go to other folks’ houses and when the parents say, ‘Oh you know, Malia, she’s just so sweet,’ or ‘Sasha helped to pick up the dishes. What is it that you’re doing?'” he said.

Still, growing up inside The White House was not always smooth sailing for The Obama Girls, who are now 18 and 15.

“They complained about Secret Service as they became teenagers,” the president said. “But as you might imagine, if you’re a teenager having a couple of people with microphones and guns always following you around, that could grate on them. But they’ve handled it with grace, and I give Michelle most of the credit for how well they’ve done.”

President Obama also credited his daughters for making the White House feel like a home when they first arrived.

“When you open a door and they’re in their pajamas and they’re wrestling with you and asking you to read to them and stuff, it starts feeling like home pretty quick,” he said, adding, “It feels even more like home now because you have all these memories that were formed watching your kids grow up.”

Seeing his daughters mature into elegant young women while only a few steps away from his office was the best part of being president.

“It’s one of the biggest benefits of being president that you really don’t think about until you get here. I have never had to travel more than 30 seconds from home to office,” Mr. Obama joked. “It’s because of that that I’ve been able to maintain, you know, really a family life that has nurtured and sustained me during this time.”




OK WASSUP! covers current events:
The Obama Girls growing up
in The White House


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. DJ:
    Seeing his daughters mature into elegant young women while only a few steps away from his office was the best part of being president. [….]

    Pres. Obama and his family came into the White House exuding Class and Grace and Eloquence; personal qualities which were already there and very much quite evident from the beginning.

    Malia and Sasha are the products of loving and nurturing parents.

    There are no words to adequately describe how much I have enjoyed watching the First-family of Color go about living their daily lives with such distinction …and have it all seem quite natural to them.

    For very obvious reasons, I suspect as the clock winds down to Pres. Obama's presidency, millions of Americans are already missing him and his beautiful family.

    Millions of Americans wish that He/they could stay …just awhile longer.

  2. I would like to ad the Obamas never had one scandal, nobody was cheating, Obama didn't take anybody's guns away, Obama didn't start a war against Americans, the girls have been total role models. This is our camelot. They are our black royalty.

  3. I'm Republican and was never a Obama fan. But I have to admit he played the role of president pretty good. Based on who we have coming in next Obama was damn near perfect.

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