Comments on: Obama Has Greatest Week Ever! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 01 Jul 2015 19:39:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Wed, 01 Jul 2015 14:07:22 +0000 "Whoever said Barack Obama is a lame duck president who should simply ride out the remaining days of his presidency in silence, could not have been more wrong."

That would, primarily, be cable news media. <looking directly at CNN>

Faux News simply does not count.

Frankly, from my observation of cable news, this President has routinely been Underestimated throughout his presidency.

And though he has NOT always *led the way* as aggressively as I had hoped he would, I have long been impressed with his ability to rise above BS politics, stick to the long-view and eventually get much of the hard stuff done.

At the slightest little push-back from Repubs those silly folk at CNN tend to immediately jump into OVERHYPE drive with "UH-OH! This is BAD news for Obama! This thing (his initiative) is probably going nowhere!" The typical BS overreaction presented as actual news journalism…smh.

And time and time again his accomplisments make them (the news media) look like fools. While his enemies have continually made themselves look like fools…smh.

I remember hearing the President, during an interview one evening. A news reporter asked Obama just how it is that he's able to remain so Cool, Calm and Optimistic about pursuing his goals while facing so much Opposition?

The President responded in his usual even tone: "Never let the highs get too high. And never let the lows get too low."

He said it while flashing that Confident smile!

By: Mr. BD Wed, 01 Jul 2015 12:46:18 +0000 Yeah that's my boy. Obama came into office really trying to do somethings for this country. If it wasn't for bitter Repubs trying to ruin him every chance they got he could have got more done. I'm just glad he got a chance to show the country he means business. And I'm happy about the approval rating too. Go Barack.
