In addition to Vice-President Biden and the president himself, the Obama administration’s policies have largely been defined by a small group of close-knit cabinet members and advisers: former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, National Security Adviser Gen. Jim Jones, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, and Senior White House Adviser David Axelrod. The day-to-day functionality of the White House, as well as the president’s agenda, priorities and public perception have mostly been at the hands of these 4 men. So, how have they done? If you ask most Americans, not so well.
According to Washington insider and journalist Bob Woodward, who also recently penned the book “Obama’s Wars,” there has been a great deal of in fighting within the walls of the White House — mainly regarding international policy, but encompassing domestic affairs as well. It seems that “all-the-president’s-men” don’t necessarily seem to have all the president’s best intentions in mind. And for this history making first black U.S. president who has been given the near impossible task of cleaning up 8 years of mess from the former administration, President Obama needs to surround himself with better options.
And so, Mr. President: for the sake of the country and for the sake of your own political survival, it’s time to press the reset button. Or as my grandmother used to say, it’s time to “clean house!” Former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanual left on his own accord (Thank God!), and National Security Adviser Gen. Jim Jones announced last week that he too is on the way out. These men may have just done you a huge favor and have started the ball rolling on one of the best moves of your young administration. So don’t stop there. Your team has had 2 years to make a dent in some noticeable progress, that unfortunately, many Americans just aren’t seeing. So it’s high time to make some difficult executive decisions.
It’s time for your great campaign adviser David Axelrod to leave the West Wing and make room for a more knowledgeable Washington insider to take the reigns of your presidency. It’s time for Bush administration holdover and current Defense Secretary Robert Gates to return to private life, in favor of a more loyal defense manager who can wrap this mess of a war in Iraq and Afghanistan up neatly and swiftly. And it’s beyond time for your “lost deer in headlights” Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to step (or be forced) aside. Americans are hurting financially. They are out of work; they are underpaid; they are deep in debt as they dip into retirement funds or use credit cards for everyday purchases; and they are losing hope. It no longer matters who caused this problem. The day you took the oath of office it became YOUR problem, and we are waiting for you to fix it. You can take a huge leap in this effort by replacing Geithner ASAP!
The vision of a new Obama White House with an all new energy and direction may just be powerful enough to invoke national euphoria. Imagine a new leader in our defense efforts abroad; a new leader over the economic woes of the nation who is actually making a difference; and a new Senior Adviser and Chief of Staff controlling the president’s priorities and perception? It’s not all that far fetched. And as Commander-In-Chief, Mr. President, the reset button is yours for the pushing.