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Let the political race (ism) begin.

Yes, you read it correctly. RACISM. If you thought the snide remarks, continuous charges that “he’s a Muslim,” racist email jokes, photos depicting Michele Obama as an ape and more were hard to believe in 2008, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

Back in 2008, there was a large contingency of the country that didn’t take the Obama campaign seriously.  Some thought he’d never get past the powerful Clinton political machine.  But even when he did, some were steadfast the country would never elect a black man President of the United States. Surprise!

Now that we’re nearly 4 years into the Obama presidency — with 4 more years a very real possibility, there’s no mistaking the murmurs of “let’s take our country back” are racially fueled.  Otherwise, what else is there to take the country back from??

So, prepare yourselves for a nasty and racially tinged campaign filled with free-wheeling use of the “N’ word and other racial epithets.  In fact, it has already begun.

For $3., the website STUMPY STICKERS will sell you a bumper sticker that reads “Don’t Re-Nig in 2012,” followed by the smaller print, “Stop repeat offenders. Don’t’ reelect Obama!” The sticker also features an image of the Obama campaign logo crossed out.

Since the literal definition to not “renege” in 2012 would actually mean to  re-elect President Obama, we get what the bumper sticker is REALLY trying to say. Yet, this is only the beginning…


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. "So, prepare yourselves for a nasty and racially tinged campaign filled with free-wheeling use of the "N' word and other racial epithets. In fact, it has already begun."And sadly, that about says it all. 🙁

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