Comments on: OBAMA RESETS PRESIDENCY News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:59:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Fri, 29 Jan 2010 12:39:26 +0000 Well said Anon! Well said indeed.

By: Anonymous Thu, 28 Jan 2010 19:23:41 +0000 HealthcareWhat are the percentages of Americans who are already covered by government healthcare money already? The old guys and gals, young families with children, the poor, and the disabled on Medicaid and Medicare? As a percentage of the population? Now, for those who suffer catastrophic illness, how many end up on Medicaid or Medicare anyway? When they get cancer or some other catastrophic illness? So in actuality how many people are already covered by the federal government anyway? Of the people who get sick, how many of these are preventable? Is it not cheaper to catch a disease early through preventative medicine, than later, when they need hospitalization or emergency room service? Isn't it cheaper to extend coverage to the small percentage of Americans who need it, than to deny them coverage? I mean isn't it cheaper to give them preventative care rather than allow their conditions to worsen to the point they need major medical care? Like cancer detection for example. If it is caught early, there already exists outpatient procedures to remove early polyps, which may have become cancerous later in life? If you wait, then the person who suffers will end up costing Medicaid and Medicare anyway. And if you catch it later, then the costs become huge compared to he cost of preventative care. Second, many insurance companies will deny people with any pre-existing conditions. They will not receive coverage and cannot buy coverage so their condition worsens until they end up in the hospital anyway and need major medical anyway. The uninsured represent 20%? of the population? Can't we insure twenty percent more of those who choose to have a public health care option? When they get sick, we will pay for them anyway, so why not insure them and reap the cost savings?

By: Truthiz Thu, 28 Jan 2010 17:48:35 +0000 I tend to dismiss most polls "Good" or "Bad" and CNN's polls are no exception. BUT IF the polls taken by CNN immediately after the speech actually hold up (???) it appears that the President bought himself a little more Time with most Americans. The numbers were quite good. However, CNN did admit that the polling skewed moreso toward Democratic participants. At any rate: 2010 AND 2011 have got to be a good_if not stellar_years in terms of REAL JOBS creation for the President if he is to weather this storm and plans on being re-elected.The American people want him to succeed. I want him to succeed.
