Comments on: THE OBAMA SCORECARD News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: BD Mon, 24 Oct 2011 18:30:56 +0000 Hey DJ I'm glad you put this list together. I myself didn't know all this had happen on Obama's watch. It looks like his lead from behind has been working out but too bad the Repubs will never admit it. They will shoot themselves in the foot pretending not to acknowledge these successes for there own gain.

By: Truthiz Mon, 24 Oct 2011 16:10:58 +0000 <span>It's hard to argue that President Obama has not been surprisingly, if not exceptionally good at a foreign policy skill his presidential challengers all believed back in 2008 would fall flat due to his lack of "experience." […]   And ironically there is NO louder champion of the Presdient in this regard than HILLARY CLINTON.   "Yet, today's crop of GOP presidential hopefuls are scrambling for the words to continue knocking the president at a time when his victories make those Republican detractors look silly."    HAH. As IF that ridicules bunch ever looks anything but "silly" these days..smh.   No doubt. The Prez. demonstrating over-and-over again to the American people, AND THE WORLD, that he can manage Our National Security/Foreign policy just fine, Thank You Very Much, is KILLING the Repubs.    On a related note:    The President FINALLY appears to be focusing like a laser on our domestic/economic issues. He's seeking out ways to get AROUND the Repubs in Congress, by doing those things he CAN do by "Exectuve Order." I'm interested to learn more about the his new economic initiative, "We Can't Wait."   He has a year to work his tuckus off applying his smarts and pragmatic approach to BEGIN moving this country in the right direction again. It's going to be long, hard haul.    Let the Repub "clowns" continue being CLOWNS (SEE: Rick Perry's latest Bitherism attack against the President). They've got absolutely NOTHING else to offer.</span>
