Yesterday, President Obama shocked the world by doing what most politicians would never do in an election year: he told the truth!
In a “not-so-shocking” admission on ABC News, the president finally ended all speculation and acknowledged that he supports same-sex marriage. Are you surprised?
Unless you’ve been living on the dark side of the moon or in just plain old denial, this should not have hijacked the evening news and pulled out political pundits to argue the point like they did. But come on… had Mr. Obama not admitted his support of marriage equality, is there anyone alive who seriously wasn’t sure where he stood on the idea?
As the nation’s first black president, Mr. Obama has had to walk an incredible tight rope since his historic inauguration. He’s had to support his fellow African-Americans while not appearing to be giving in to favoritism. He’s had to support the liberal wing of his party while being careful not to alienate Independent voters. He’s even had to talk in circles about “evolving” on the issue of same-sex marriage, while trying not to offend the LGBT community or his fellow Christians. But yesterday, the president threw caution to the wind, stood firm in his convictions and courageously announced what he believes.
“I’ve been going through an evolution on this issue. I’ve always been adamant that gay and lesbian Americans should be treated fairly and equally,” the president said in the television interview with Robin Roberts of ABC. “At a certain point I’ve just concluded that, for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.”
Mr. Obama’s words were unprecedented, as he is the first sitting U.S. president to publicly support gay marriage. Although his endorsement was largely a symbolic gesture, it sent a powerful message to the gay and lesbian community, as well as younger voters, who collectively donated $1 million dollars to the Obama-Biden campaign within the first 30 minutes of the interview. Wow!
Still, the million dollar question is if the president will pay a political price for his honesty during an election year? Possibly, but not very likely.
Opponents of same-sex marriage, including Christian conservatives, were already opponents of Obama for president. They weren’t going to vote for him anyway, so there is no expected loss from this group. Independents could possibly be affected by his admission, but for all those Independents he turned off yesterday, he likely picked up an equal amount who are in support of marriage equality. The biggest group affected by the news of the day is almost certainly the LBGT community and younger voters, who turned out in record numbers to vote for Mr. Obama in 2008, but have since been lackluster toward his reelection campaign. Knowing they have a friend in the White House who was willing to risk it all for the sake of equality, could be just what the Obama campaign needs to pull gay, lesbian and young adult voters back into the fold.
In an interesting side note, voters in North Carolina approved a constitutional amendment this past Tuesday to disavow same-sex marriages, civil unions and domestic partnerships, affecting both homosexual and heterosexual couples. The Democratic National Convention is scheduled to be held in North Carolina this summer, which should make for an interesting backstory between the same-sex marriage supporting president and the opposing residents of this split southern state.
I think, for the President, the tipping point was that reprehensible ANTI-Marriage Equality bill that just passed in North Carolina.It certainly was the tipping point for me. Prior to that, I had not been a supporter of "gay" marriage. However, at NO time did I believe that gay couples should be DENIED their EQUAL Rights. Who anyone loves OR wants to marry is NONE of my business. It's THEIR life. THEIR decision. As long as it's between 2 consenting adults, gay couples should be granted ALL of the same *Rights* granted to EVERY other American citizen. More importantly for me, as a Black-American, knowing AMERICAN history, I could NEVER support ANY initiative that seeks to DENY anyone, or ANY group, their EQUAL Rights. With 32 states seeming H*ll-bent on denying gay couples their EQUAL Rights, I think the President finally decided, Enough Is Enough. He took a bold step, IMO. And I, for one, am very glad that he did.
Wow. I love this!A Dish Reader writes….Now: A ChoiceToday takes away the free pass that so many Republicans have had. While some Republicans may favor gay marriage, and abhor the bigoted policies of their own party, they could still rationalize that support in their own minds. They could say, and not entirely without merit, that sure the Republican party is wrong on this issue, but so what? Were the Democrats really that much better? Isn't the President against gay marriage too? Prior to today, they could say that. But no more. That free pass has now ended. President Obama saw to that. I have seen comparison of this decision to Abraham Lincoln, but I'll introduce another – to Harry Truman. Truman integrated the Armed Services in 1948, his presidential election year, and Obama just followed in his footsteps. And like Truman, Obama cannot possibly know how this will turn out for him politically in November. But he knew it was the right thing to do so he made the decision, and will let the political chips fall where they may.This November, we Americans will choose between one candidate who recently bragged about preventing Massachusetts from becoming the "Las Vegas of Gay Marriage," to one who has the moral courage to voice equal support for all citizens.No more equivocation on language, no more gray areas, and no more passing the buck. Today, President Obama, like President Truman before him, can proudly say, the buck stops here.Read: http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2012/05/o…
David Link: "Chess"Of course I think Obama did the right thing morally. But for those of us who enjoy the chess of politics, I also think it was exquisite strategy. First, after the loss in North Carolina, Obama’s campaign had a convention to worry about. In that place and with that political context, any fudging on the bottom line would have been unacceptable to a lot of conventioneers at best, and could have led to some very ugly protests inside and/or outside the convention hall.That’s taken care of now. The only possible protests left will come from the motley, disgruntled religious types, who aren’t part of Obama’s base, and don’t figure into a winning electoral strategy for him. Those protests, if they happen, now come under the heading of So What?And that leads to the bigger point. This is fine politics because it boxes Romney in with the worst part of his party. Karl Rove poisoned the well on this issue, and now Obama is making Romney drink, and drink deeply.Which Romney promptly did, and from a bigger cup than Obama could have hoped for. Romney said he is not only opposed to same-sex marriage, but to any legal recognition of same-sex couples that approaches marriage equality — just what the worst part of North Carolina gave a big thumbs-up to. […]Read: http://igfculturewatch.com/2012/05/09/chess/