Comments on: Obamacare Repeal Based On Race? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 31 May 2017 18:55:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Briebazinet Wed, 31 May 2017 18:55:22 +0000 I mean this is admittedly reaching, but you've made a solid point. I think Republicans spent so long hating Obama, that they're doing everything they can to exact revenge for some imaginary sleight. Great write up, and good job arguing a challenging point.

By: Mr. BD Mon, 08 May 2017 19:25:34 +0000 DJ you hit it out of the park today. Great article. These Repubs are fooling nobody but themselves. The House members who can't think straight and only want to erase Obama like you said don't care how they do it. But the senate is a little bit smarter. A lot of them don't like Obama either but they know they will pay politically if they let this Trump care BS go through. I think they are going to kill it in the senate and defeat Trump again. But like Truth said Trump like a lot of fanfare so he make up a photo op to make it look like Repubs had repealed Obamacare but they didn't. He thinks we are stupid but he's the one who is.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 08 May 2017 14:22:56 +0000 …..a side-note…..

I digress for just a moment to give a SHOUT OUT! the French people for having the Courage and the Wisdom to REJECT the seemingly "rising tide" of right-wing fascism via their votes in their presidential election yesterday.

Well. Done.

ALL eyes were on France yesterday to see what course Europe would take. The message was definitive…at least for now.

Emmanuel Macron (a centrist) was elected with 66.1% of the vote (higher than expected) versus his opponent the "female Trump" Marine Le Pen who got only 33.9% (lower than expected). Btw- in France the majority vote actually counts. Imagine that.

Given the outcome of France's election yesterday added to recent presidential elections in Austria and the Netherlands, where the politics of FEAR, division, ignorance and HATE, were also resoundingly REJECTED (in both countries) in favor of a more Inclusive and forward-thinking society I'd say it is quite telling.

Think about it. The two countries to fall prey to such obvious Poison are Britain (Brexit) and the United States (Trump).

What does it say about the electorate of those two nations?

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 08 May 2017 14:10:23 +0000 ….on a related note, even some right-wingers saw through the optics of the so-called "repeal" of Obamacare

"Was {the} Rose Garden presser designed to convince Americans that ObamaCare was repealed?"


They repealed it! Promise made, promise kept. In hindsight, Trump should have had a “Mission Accomplished” banner at his press conference on bombing Syria. Maybe 40 percent of the country would have concluded that Assad had been ousted from power and America had taken Damascus.

Even I can’t easily stomach the cynicism needed to believe voters might be this easily fooled about major legislation, so let’s go with David Harsanyi’s interpretation of the Rose Garden event instead — the celebration was designed to trumpet a rare victory in Congress and to put pressure on the Senate to deliver. McConnell and his caucus are reluctant to dive into the health-care lava pit; Trump’s telling them to come on in, the water’s fine. In fact, he vowed during today’s presser that “we’re going to get this passed through the Senate,” which is … unlikely. But a pep rally at the White House may make it easier for the Senate to produce something, especially if it gets Republican voters excited about what comes next. They do know that there’s something that comes next, right? – HotAir

HA Reader:
We're stuck with obamacare for the long term, until the system collapses and we shift to single payer. We have made such a tremendous mess of the healthcare industry that it cannot survive without government subsidies. […]

RedState Reader:
Hopefully the Senate gives us single payer. Trump tonite turned to Prime minister Turnbull of Australia and said " I shouldn't say this in front of you, Australia has much better health care than we do". Um, Australia has single payer. Hey do you think Ryan told Trump this bill was single payer? Really, does Trump even know what this bill is going to do?

Yes folks, our President told the leader of a country with single payer that they have "better health care than we do". So if they have better health care why shouldn't we have that? Trump is disabled, plain and simple and we made him president. What does that make us? As Bugs Bunny says "what a maroon!" […]

RS Reader
I find it difficult to consider this "repeal and replace" when I don't think does either. […]

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 08 May 2017 13:00:37 +0000 Another great post DJ backed up by the facts.

I have a few thoughts on that dog and pony show Trump, Ryan and other Repubs put on last Thursday or Friday to give the APPEARANCE that they had actually "repealed" Obamacare – when in reality they've done no such thing.

In fact the "haphazard, make-shift fiasco (rushed to creation just to tear down Obamacare " that they voted on last week -Trumpcare 2.0 – is such a "sh*tsandwich" that almost immediately following the House vote (which barely squeaked by) the majority Repub Senate publicly announced that the bill was basically D.O.A. The Senate will do its own thing.

But Trump was SO desperate for even the OPTICS of a win that he (no doubt) told Ryan "just send me a bill…ANY bill so I can sign it." The guy serves a constituency of One. Himself. And d*mn the consequences.

In the words of Joe Scarborough, Ryan the Repubs "got rolled" by Trump. Will the repubs pay a price in the 2018 midterm elections? Well…..we shall see.

But if the Angry town-halls which took place across the country over the weekend are any indication of just how outraged a lot of (mostly) White people feel about that sorry-azz "repeal" vote then maybe, just maybe, the midterms will be quite competitive.

I don't have a lot of faith in angry Dems showing up to vote…not in real numbers anyway. But having access to affordable healthcare, especially for pre-existing conditions, is an extremely personal and critical matter Dems just may show up at the polls in 2018. But again, We shall see.

As to DJ's original question: Is the effort to "repeal" Obamacare primarily about race/Racism and undoing the achievements of America's first Black president?

