
ObamaGate Is ‘DOA’ According To Republicans

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On Monday, Donald Trump gave birth to ‘ObamaGate.’  By Tuesday, Republicans were already aborting it and calling it dead on arrival.

What exactly is ObamaGate?  No one actually knows for sure.  Not even Donald Trump.  Yet there he was, on Monday, standing in the Rose Garden telling the world that former President Barack Obama had committed the “biggest political crime in American history” (Trump traditionally refers to everything as the “biggest” or the “best” or the “most unprecedented,” etc.).  However, when reporters pressed ‘The Donald’ to explain Obamagate and to give specific details regarding what crime America’s first African-American president had committed, Trump was his usual shifty self.

“You know what the crime is,” Trump barked to the press. “The crime is very obvious to everybody.  All you have to do is read the newspapers, except yours.”


Well, no, ObamaGate is not obvious to everyone.  In fact, it’s not obvious to anyone besides Donald Trump.  Probably because it doesn’t exist and Trump hasn’t had enough time to invent some sort of scandal he could pin on the former president in order to gain traction in an election year.

“OBAMAGATE makes Watergate look small time!” Trump tweeted on Monday before posting the “OBAMAGATE!” tweet to the top of his profile during a Tuesday segment with Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

Now that the Trump flunkies working in The White House have had a few days to come up with something to back up the claims of their deranged boss, they’re leaking word that former President Obama was supposedly involved in an effort to entrap former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pled guilty in 2017 to lying to the FBI. Although the Justice Department moved last week to dismiss Flynn’s case, the specifics or legitimacy of Mr. Obama having committed the “biggest crime in history” is murky, at best.  After all, this is the man who presided over America for 8 years without one single scandal or even a whisper of disgrace.

“HOPE YOU HAD FUN INVESTIGATING ME. NOW IT’S MY TURN,” the vindictive Trump continued in his TwitterStorm as a threat to exact revenge against Mr. Obama and anyone he feels may have discredited him. Trump’s hope is to stage some sort of investigative hunt against Barack Obama and Joe Biden that he could ride all way to an election victory.


However, Senate Republicans, who are gravely fearful of Donald Trump taking them all down with him in a November defeat, are refusing to bite the bait.

Senate Majority Whip John Thune of South Dakota, Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, and a handful of other prominent GOP lawmakers made it clear on Tuesday that any idea of an investigation into Mr. Obama is off the table.

“I’m not anticipating calling President Obama,” Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said emphatically.

Even Jason Miller, the former communications chair of Trump’s 2016 campaign and co-host of the podcast “War Room” weighed in, saying  “President Trump always does best when he has a foil to go head to head with.”

So, sorry, Donald Trump.  It looks as if Barack Obama really does live rent-free in your head just as CNN’s Don Lemon said.  Unfortunately, your bright idea to invent ObamaGate then brand it as the biggest political crime in American history against that black president your fanatics love to hate oh so well is a no-go!.  You’ll have to find another trick up your sleeve to help you cheat out a win for the presidency in November.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
ObamaGate is DOA!



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. What in the hell is wrong with this fool? Does he have a crush on Obama or something? The man has not been president in almost four years but Trump still cannot keep Obama’s name out his mouth. Whatever the problem is I want him to get over my president and go mind his own business somewhere. All this Obamagate mumbo jumbo is a bunch of hot mess that is such nonsense even the Repubs do not want to touch it. Go get a life Trump and stay out the Obama’s.

  2. Now WE all know what *THIS* isht is about.

    When ALL else Fails – and the whole World can certainly SEE that Trump is FAILING in every way possible – that fool needs his *base* to stick with him and his Racist bs fires them every time. They crave the stuff. And specifically so when it comes to attacking Pres. Obama.

    Look. Trump is a desperate man. Using this particular Racist tactic isn’t just his weapon of choice. It’s his weapon of last resort.

    And HE knows it.

  3. Oh and one more thing to keep in mind…………………..

    According to most reporting, COVID-19 is really beginning to spread across some red states…”Trump country.” What impact that grim reality could have on the 30-35% of (almost excursively white) Americans who support the guy is anyone’s guess(?)

    But we may soon find out. And we should expect Trump to be even more fearful and desperate.

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